What Is National Greatness?
November 25, 2020
“AS OF the individual, so of the nation. In like manner as justice and sanctity constitute the greatness of the individual, so do they constitute the greatness of the nation. ‘Justice exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.’ The great nation is the holy nation, rich in true obedience, and carried away by a divine passion for God and all holy things. Suppose your nation does increase in wealth, in luxury, in refinement; suppose it does fell the primeval forest and enlarge its borders, multiply its manufactures, extend its commerce, and make all climes pour their riches into its lap; what then? Does it follow that such a nation is great, is glorious, and has reason to applaud herself for her achievements and to exult over the poor and simple? ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’ Where is it written, Blessed is the nation whose God is Mammon, and whose worship is thrift? Where are the nations who forgot theLord, who put their trust in their ships, their traffic, their wealth, and luxuries? Where is that ancient Tyre, ‘whose merchants were princes, and her traders the nobles of the earth’? Where are all the nations of the old world, once renowned for their extended commerce, the richness of their stuffs, and the variety of their manufactures? They have passed away like the morning vapor, and a few solitary ruins alone remain to point the traveller to the seats of their world-renowned idolatry.”
— Orestes Brownson, “On National Greatness;” 1846