“33” and COVID-19
December 29, 2020

FREEMASONRY is a quasi-religion made up of clubs with elaborate rituals and ceremonies. The “brotherhood” believes, among other things, that numbers have mystical powers — a belief that goes back to ancient mystery religions. The use of particular numbers can invoke hidden powers in the universe. It is no secret that the number 33 is of especial symbolic significance to Masons. Here is an explanation by a Mason of its symbolism.
Wherever you see the number 33 being used out of all proportion to its normal occurrence, you can be assured that Masons are at work. The number 33 is found with astonishing frequency throughout public announcements and studies about COVID-19. This video offers some good examples from the news, but just scratches the surface. When I googled “33 Covid cases,” I received 837 million results.
The growth of the “Deception State” is due, in part, to the doctrines of Freemasonry, which hold that it is ethical to lie to achieve greater goals. Masons swear, on pain of death, to keep their activities secret from the world. Masons, initiated over time into an ascending order of “degrees” or hierarchical ranks, seek the union of all religions under one Ur-religion that will allegedly bring peace to mankind. At the lower degrees, Masons are often innocent of the larger political and religious agenda and are instead drawn to “brotherhood” and the favors Masons confer on each other, particularly in some careers.