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From Patriot Act to “Domestic Terrorism” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From Patriot Act to “Domestic Terrorism”

January 11, 2021

STAY TUNED for more staged insurrection. Kit Knightly writes:

“Domestic Terrorism” is clearly where it’s at in early 2021, so we can expect a brand new law regarding it…probably by March, at the latest.

What will “Domestic Terrorism” mean in this law? The answer to that is pretty much always “whatever they want it to mean.”

Certainly, it will include “incitement” and “hate speech”, I would expect “denialism” to make an appearance, and be downright shocked if “spreading misinformation” doesn’t get a mention. Don’t be surprised if “questioning elections” or “bringing democracy into disrepute” is made an outright crime.

It will probably be tied into the Covid “pandemic” in some way, too. After all, what is discouraging people from taking vaccines if not the very definition of “terrorism”, right? It’s possible that even climate change will get a mention as well. They like to slide that into every issue these days.

More false flag domestic terrorist acts would pave the way. Maybe on or near Easter?

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