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Peace of Soul « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Peace of Soul

January 18, 2021

“FOR to enter by this door of humility, thou must be earnest to embrace tribulations, and esteem them as thy sisters, and wish to be despised by all men, and that none do comfort thee but God. Let this be thy settled persuasion, that only God is thy whole joy, and that all other things be but thorns to thee. And think thou to thyself, that if thou wert led to some place, where thou shouldst receive some disgrace and affront, yet thou wouldst go willingly and with joy, being sure that God is with thee. And fix thyself firmly to wish and desire no other honour than to do that that is for His honour and glory, and to suffer for love of Him. Thou must also force thyself to be glad when any one wrongeth thee with injurious words, and despiseth or rebuketh thee; for, under this rugged bark is a hidden treasure. Tribulation taken in patience is a purging herb, that scoureth out the dregs of our imperfections and offences. Moreover, to suffer with Christ crucified is the only true glory; but to follow one’s own will and desires, endeth in perdition.”

— Father John de Bovilla, The Quiet of the Soul (Thomas Richardson and Sons, London; 1852)


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