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The “Far Right” Stormed the Capitol! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The “Far Right” Stormed the Capitol!

January 7, 2021

THE staged “riots” yesterday at the Capitol complex illustrated perfectly what the ultimate purpose of the Trump Show has been  — to make you, dear patriot, look like a dangerous, “far-right” buffoon.

Now if you have doubts about whether the storming of the Capitol was staged, I invite you to consider this image of Capitol security during the BLM protests last year:

Here is Capitol security yesterday:

(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

If you know anything about the federal government, you know that a crowd cannot mob the Capitol complex and ransack offices without the government’s explicit permission. They have plenty of security to keep things under check. The police yesterday all but invited the protestors in. Look at this. And here we see the police actually open the metal barricades.

Images of Congressmen ducking behind seats in fear of the “far-right” extremists and police pointlessly aiming their guns at the Stop-the-Steal hoodlums roaming the halls lacked nothing but a director to yell, “Okay, cut!”

Now the election has not been officially certified. The fake mob (which, of course, included real protestors with real grievances) of the Capitol prevented a conclusion and a battle over the electoral votes:

The storming of the United States Capitol on Wednesday stalled the counting of electoral votes by Congress to confirm President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory, prolonging the process but not preventing Mr. Biden from becoming president.

Legal scholars were struck by what they described as a shocking assault on the Democratic process, in which protesters descended on the Capitol, resulting in some electoral ballots being whisked to safety.

But they said the delay was unlikely to derail the process of formalizing Mr. Biden’s victory, even if the violence disrupts activity on Capitol Hill for several days. In fact, the proceeding, which was enshrined in the Electoral Count Act of 1887, had safeguards in place to address delays. (Source)

We don’t know how this is going to end. But we know two things — it’s going to be an ongoing, divisive distraction and it will make you look as ridiculous and powerless as possible. State of the Nation writes:

The Democrats (and Deep State) had to do something quite scary in order to compel the Congressional Republicans to abandon their fight to decertify the Electoral College votes.  What better way than to orchestrate a fake takeover of The Capitol Building.  They even choreographed a number of photo-ops in Pelosi’s office (see this photo) and the well of the U.S. Senate chambers (see this photo).  Once these ‘shocking’ photographs make their way around the Congress, inside the Beltway and the Internet, the Left will use them as a false justification to crack down on the Right as never before.

The fake riot delegitimizes the genuine cause against a stolen election.

But this is not a Democrat vs. Republican thing, in my opinion; the last point in the above quote is key.

The Trump Show has been so effective at demonizing patriots, demoralizing them and misdirecting their energies. That’s why I predicted Trump would win and be allowed to serve another term.

They haven’t let him win, at least not yet. And now Biden is almost in — and you are more demoralized than ever.

Snap out of it, will ya?

He wasn’t what you thought he was. Now’s your chance to be free.

No one can take away the essential freedom — because that resides within you.

They really do think you’re stupid. Prove them wrong.


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