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The Supermarket Police « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Supermarket Police

January 6, 2021

HELENA writes:

I went to Walmart today. (I know all the problems, but it is close by, and everything else is closed.)

I get in with no mask — “I have a pre-existing condition.”

But guess what I found when I was looking around! Hanes masks!

A reviewer writes:

This is the most comfortable mask I own. It’s like wearing soft underwear on your face! Extremely breathable yet tight enough that it does not fall down my small face. I usually have to wear children’s mask but this one fits well. The adjustable nose piece is the key! The same size mask fits my husband who has a much larger face than I do.

Remember those “diaper” analogies? Well, Hanes has stepped up to the plate!

A few days ago, I went to Whole Foods. I hadn’t been there in a long time, since I realized they jack up the prices by a couple of dollars. There was the usual “policing” at the entrance, and I told the man stationed there that I cannot wear a mask.

He said that they are no longer allowing anyone in without a mask.

“Can I talk to the manager?”

“I am the manager.”

I said that is against the government’s mandates, that what they’re doing is illegal.

This unpleasant man with curly red hair pulled up into a horn, and with his Hanes underwear in full view, mumbled: “I’m not standing here having a conversation with you.”

“Gabriel [looking at his name tag and writing it down]. Ah. I will be reporting this to head office.”

“Gabriel.” Imagine that. The announcer of Good News. And this was just around Christmas. And here is this anti-Gabriel.

Every turn shows me that this is a spiritual, existential battle.

Of course I left, but said, “You people are in big trouble, you know that?”

I didn’t mean just his business (and his job) were “in big trouble.” I was referring to the consequences of all this.

The whole line of about 15-20 masked, mild-mannered, obedient, fearful customers — most of them well-intentioned, I’m sure — outside in the winter cold, all wearing their underwear for all to see, waiting to be led by the nose to gain entrance, heard this. Of course, none of them peeped a word.

All getting primed for the biggest waiting line of the COVID-Era — the one for The Vaccine, which I’m sure this Hades gatekeeper was eagerly awaiting.

Injected, indebted and corralled like livestock  — but at least they will be able to shop at Whole Foods!!

— Comments —

Zeno writes:

Just an anecdote to complement what your reader said. The other day I went to a small Arab or Persian market. I almost never go there, but I went this time just because everything else was closed, I am not sure if because of the holidays (I think it was 31/12) or due to new Covid rules.

Anyway, it was striking to observe that the workers, all of Middle Eastern appearance, not only had their shop open, but were not wearing masks, nor caring if any customer wore a mask, and were laughing and talking to each other. On the other hand, the customers, mostly white, were all meek and quiet with their little masks on.

I thought: these workers probably come from a poor country, and they certainly know what a real pandemic looks like. They wouldn’t put their families at risk without a good reason. While current Europeans fret and panic about “an invisible enemy” and obey all rules, even rules that make no sense or are against their own mental health as individuals.

And what’s worse is if I talk to most people about the current state of things, or post something and criticize the absurdity of the status quo, they seem to think that I am the one who is being “hysterical”, “irrational”, “exaggerated” or – of course – a “conspiracy theorist”…

The observation about “Injected, indebted and corralled like livestock” is apt. Unfortunately – save for a good few exceptions – most people are accepting this role passively. I fear that the elites will have us with a microchip inside our brains in no time, and take our livelihoods or our right to our property, or even the option to have any private thoughts, and most people will accept it and even be happy with it.

Happy New Year, if such is possible (it’s not looking so good, so far).

Laura writes:

Thank you! Same to you!

White people are the most gullible people on the face of the earth. (I have been too!!) They have historically lived in societies with a high degree of honesty. That organized deception exists and that liars do not always suffer the same pangs of guilt they do is hard for them to believe.

 There’s more to it than that.

God is punishing them with near-universal blindness.


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