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Confused « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


February 22, 2021


Source: Swiss Policy Research (DPM = Deaths per Million)

SUSAN ANNE WHITE writes from Northern Ireland:

I am confused as to your views on COVID-19 and now, on COVID vaccines as well. Some of your recent posts seem to point to a wavering attitude to COVID-19 on your part. The post entitled “Correction: COVID shot fatalities” gives the impression that you are warning your readers about these vaccines (and rightly so) but when set alongside another of your posts entitled “Treatments of COVID-19” which includes these (your) words, “Those who are not interested in getting the vaccines….”gives me the impression that it is neither here nor there if people want, or do not want, a vaccine. The danger of these vaccines is not apparent in your words quoted above.

Another of your posts entitled, “The vaccine is Russian Roulette” sees the pendulum swing back to the “COVID vaccines are dangerous” view which is then undermined by your words “….and what she contends are the risks.” I was of the impression that you are convinced there are risks with these vaccines (from other posts you have written) so why you would say “and what she contends are the risks” I cannot fathom.

Another post is entitled, “Eugenicists Play Saviors” which is a comment from someone called “Kalen” (an excellent comment in my opinion) and a comment with which you appear to agree. Then today you have a post entitled “Yes the virus has been isolated in a Lab.”

Do you now believe that the virus has been isolated in a lab? If so, does this change your view of the tyranny surrounding this virus? Are the tyrannical lockdowns etc now understandable and excusable? You seem to be attempting to cover all your bases.

Where exactly do you stand on COVID-19 and COVID vaccines?

[Note: The links to the posts mentioned here and below have not been inserted.]

Laura writes:

Thanks for your interest in what I have been reporting.

Yes, I am trying to cover all my bases as to the science of what is known as COVID-19. But I have never, since January, 2019, when I first read about the cases in China, in any way justified lockdowns, mandatory masks, quarantining the healthy, forced changes in work patterns; hyped, experimental vaccines; or constant, medical bullying from government, media, and business.

I have never offered justification for these things and am unchanged in my belief that these are wrong and “unscientific.”

We are in the throes of mass hypochondria that will take years to overcome.

On the issue of whether the virus has been properly isolated in a lab, I lack the expertise to know for sure. The book The Contagion Myth by Dr. Thomas Cowan makes the claim that it hasn’t been properly isolated and I recommend it. I would like to see him discuss the issue with someone like Dr. Pam Popper, who contends it has been. I will try to keep up with the discussion as a non-expert. Regardless of whether the virus has been isolated properly, people are getting sick from flu-like illnesses. Dr. Anthony Fauci stated in the New England Journal of Medicine last year that COVID-19 is a strong seasonal flu — and nothing more.

The vaccines are dangerous for numerous reasons, especially because this mRNA technology is new and unproven. There have been more than 1,100 deaths reported to the CDC and FDA, but we have good reason to believe others deaths that may have occurred days later are not reported.

I assume most readers here are not “interested in getting the vaccines.” Generally I have stayed away from the issue of treatments for this flu.  But Swiss Policy Research is a good resource and that’s why the post on their discussion of treatments. I would be contradicting myself if I advocated the vaccines, not a look at possible treatments. (Personally, I am of the “stay-home-and-drink-chicken-soup” persuasion, but people who are especially vulnerable may want to know what is out there.)

You write in connection with the Dr. Sherri Tenpenny interview:

Another of your posts entitled, “The Vaccine is Russian Roulette” sees the pendulum swing back to the “Covid vaccines are dangerous” view which is then undermined by your words “….and what she contends are the risks.” I was of the impression that you are convinced there are risks with these vaccines (from other posts you have written) so why you would say “and what she contends are the risks” I cannot fathom.

Dr. Tenpenny contends — and she is not the only onethat many people who have received the vaccine will be much more susceptible to coronaviruses, that the mRNA vaccines enhance the generation of antibodies and that these can overwhelm the body. She predicted that many people will be getting sick and dying as a result of the vaccines within a year. It would be wrong for me to present what she states in this regard as certain fact.

I hope that readers will use what I have posted to study these issues themselves.

[Discussion of this issue continues here.]






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