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Eugenicists Play Saviors « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eugenicists Play Saviors

February 16, 2021

A COMMENT posted by ‘Kalen’ under “5 questions to ask your friends who plan to get the Covid vaccine:

COVID is a theatre of absurd produced by global oligarchy to make people mad, incapable of defending themselves from genocide of the brave, new, technocratic World of Reset.

In the COVID theatre of wilderness and pain, nobody is real, nothing is what it seems.

The devils play saints, demons play angels, inhumane play humane, liars play honest, cruel play gentle, greedy play generous, clueless play knowledgeable, oppressors play protectors, accusers play defenders, killers play doctors, eugenicists play saviors.

COVID tests are not COVID tests, COVID pandemic is not COVID pandemic, COVID cases are not COVID cases, COVID hospitalizations are not COVID hospitalizations, COVID deaths are not COVID deaths, COVID vaccines are not vaccines at all.

All of that is cultist illusion to distract and explain deliberately shuttered lives and piling up bodies.


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