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Impeaching Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Impeaching Trump

February 13, 2021

THE effort to impeach Trump seemed like just another attempt to demoralize and defame his supporters until a friend yesterday offered another explanation.

Trump must be impeached in case any of the pending lawsuits challenging the election, and the massive, premeditated and systematic fraud, succeed in court.

Conviction in an impeachment trial does not automatically disqualify Mr. Trump from future public office. But if the Senate were to convict him, the Constitution allows a subsequent vote to bar an official from holding “any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.” That vote would require only a simple majority of senators. There is no precedent, however, for disqualifying a president from future office, and the issue could end up before the Supreme Court. (Source)

Is it as simple as that?

— Comments —

A reader writes:

I watched the full two and a half hour “questions by the senators” of the Trump impeachment trial yesterday.

It was a fascinating display of “due process,” which I do think really did take place.

Trump’s lawyers, Bruce Castor, and the visibly, and demonstrably, angry Michael van der Veen, made their points and held their ground. Castor went through an almost minute-by-minute account of Trump’s speech at the day of the “insurrection” and how Trump could’t have incited the “insurrection,” which as Castor demonstrated was planned BEFORE these public appearances by Trump. He didn’t add, but he alluded to it, that many of the violent behavior and actions were by hired guns, who had nothing to do with the crowd that did form peacefully, as Trump advised the demonstrators to do.

I thought Castro made a brilliant case with the timeline, and intent, of Trump’s “fight” proclamation, as well as his Georgia “find” requests.

If you can, watch these two men’s presentations, especially van der Veen’s angry rejection of creepy Bernie Sanders’ question, you won’t be disappointed. It was refreshing to watch the sessions, and see the Marxist-show-trial impeachment lawyers in action. Jamie Raskin, whom Trump’s lawyers outright called a liar, hurled his clever words and jabs at a country which has given him nothing but milk and honey.

Anonymous writes:

I don’t have time to watch the soap opera but really I feel Trump deserves impeachment for his lockdown of the country over the last year, which he tried to pin on governors but which he owns for the following reasons: His declaring the National Emergency and even renewing the declaration of National Emergency in September despite all evidence to the contrary. This gave governors the moral license to do what they did and also by the way floated a large number of federal (and our great-great-great-grandchildren’s) dollars in exchange for state lockdowns. Also, he deserves it for his platforming of Fauci and refusal to fire him despite all the evidence any idiot would respect, and most damningly his commissioning of Operation Warp Speed to deliver a “vaccine” at military gunpoint has been most dangerous to the nation’s psyche throughout the year and kept us masked and locked up in anticipation, as well as damage to physical well-being now that it’s being implemented.

As far as Trump and the election goes he did dog whistle the proud boys in October (“stand by!”) and look at the Wall Street journal video analysis of the Proud Boys at January 6th and Trump did indeed invite everyone on December 19th to the January 6th event with the following,  “It will be wild.” I don’t know why the Democrats haven’t made more use of these two facts except to suppose that they and Trump are part of the same effort and it would expose Trump’s Democrat complicity during the whole past four years.

One more point on that graph is Trump’s remarks at Charlottesville which are said to have animated Biden to run. Trump’s repeated attachment to his beautiful Confederate statues notwithstanding the cornerstone speech of the Confederacy’s proof of its own illegitimacy and bonafide white supremacy aligns with the fact that the Charlottesville protest was organized by a fake rightist (Spencer) linked to Russia’s Alexander Dugin whose 1990s writing on geopolitics openly advocated undermining the United States through agitating [racial conflict].

One long four years of World Wrestling Federation fakery makes you want to fight election fraud rid of Trump.

Laura writes:

Trump was definitely responsible for the lockdowns — and all the subsequent damage. Unfortunately, that’s not the subject of the impeachment charges. This show trial is just laying the groundwork for more demonizing of “domestic terrorists” and more manufactured racial conflict.

One long four years of World Wrestling Federation fakery makes you want to fight election fraud rid of Trump.


Anonymous replies:

In fact, now that Trump’s been released by Congress to run again in 2024, I would say, impeach him again for the lockdown and all its economic rubble and lonely lonely lonely unaccompanied lonely deaths of all kinds.  Third time is the charm. We would never have put up with this Coviet regime in the first place if it had been a Democrat president (I think that was the idea of them sticking Trump in) so we need to work to regain lost ground.  GOP, regardless of who has infiltrated it, has not only ballot access but also the shining promise of abolition for abortion as it did slavery based on the common factor of “created equal” (Happy Lincoln’s birthday!)

Trump was never an asset to the GOP with his rape incest exceptions even at his apex of claimed pro-lifeness.  In fact, he said he wanted to change the (I would say molest what is a pretty pure prolife) platform to incorporate these exceptions (which undercut the entire intellectual argument against abortion).

So yes, let’s mobilize to impeach Trump once more and to disassemble the Vax Industrial Complex (itself a symbol of rape), getting us someone in 2024 who will get us to, finally, “Created Equal’ in 2026 for our 250th birthday!  Who knows maybe some of the 100 million aborted women and men will leave the Dem Party to repent and join us if they see no fake pro-life gaslighting playboy at the helm.  Free at last!

Reader (first commenter above) writes:

Imagine if he had gone after the scamdemic with the force it required? Guess who would have pulled out ALL the stops? Their vicious attacks now would be nothing compared to what they would have done for someone foiling their Great Reset.

Laura writes:

So he didn’t do it for selfish reasons?

Fine, he still betrayed the public’s trust and committed crimes against humanity.

Mar. 3, 2021

Dianne writes:

On impeaching Trump: I would just like to simply say that, regarding the COVID debaucle, he was definitely backed into a corner.



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