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Mass Shooting Theater Resumes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mass Shooting Theater Resumes

March 24, 2021

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COVID and George Floyd consumed the deep state over the past year. But now that mass inoculations are well on their way, it turns its attention again to mass shootings, a favorite means of promoting fear, division, distraction and gun control. It was only a matter of time. They gotta get those guns. They gotta keep you tense and begging for more security. I have not studied the Boulder shooting, but the default position on these events should always be, they are staged until proven otherwise. The smiling actors, ketchup-colored blood, phony wounds, lousy scripts, brazen violations of emergency protocols, the made-for-TV villains found within minutes, the Hollywood celebrities calling for gun control — it’s all so incredibly tedious and predictable. Where once the fakery was shocking, now it’s boring, though none the less treasonous and evil. The people behind this stuff, who actually think they’re good at it, are the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth. They will not, in the end, get away with their lies.

Americans deserve this for having surrendered themselves to an amoral system and mass entertainment. This is a theater with no exits. Or to switch analogies, this is a roller coaster you can’t get off. It prevents people from  focusing on the important issues, such as being systematically ripped off by the government, both political parties and the financial establishment; such as children being spiritually (and now physically) suffocated in schools; such as the billionaires raking in more profits while small businesses close. Buy some popcorn with the stimulus check, sucker, and watch the surround-sound political theater.

Staged mass shootings are the modern equivalent of the gladiator shows in the Roman Colosseum. Watching people get torn apart in front of your very eyes is distracting! It’s perfect entertainment for a world of slaves. But, believe it or not, these are much more evil than the gladiator shows. They are based on lies. Liars can be much more dangerous than murderers.

Oh, the nonsense never ends. From Activist Post:

In case you haven’t noticed, after taking a hiatus during the COVID-19 lockdowns, mass shootings are back in the limelight and the establishment media can’t wait to use them to their advantage. In fact, they have already started.

One of our researchers here at the Free Thought Project, Don Via, Jr. discovered an oddity this week consisting of headlines that were identical in content but written for various states and published by entirely different news outlets. If you Google, “mass shooting surge,” you will be returned results with exactly the same headlines, but for different states.

The headline reads follows: “Mass shootings surge in South Carolina as nation faces record high.” As you continue to scroll down the results, you see this exact same headline for other states like Florida, North Carolina, New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Colorado, Louisiana, Arkansas, Illinois, Michigan, and others.

Buckle your seatbelt. They want those guns. (Or maybe they just want you to buy more guns because these things are great for business.) They want to destroy the capacity for rational thought. Most of all, they want you complicit in the lies. They want your soul, sucker.


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