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Protests: March 20, 2021 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Protests: March 20, 2021

March 23, 2021

SEE clips from the many street protests against the COVID scam this weekend. They took place in cities and towns around the world.

— Comments —

Zeno writes:

I couldn’t help but notice the wording in the headline: “interactions between police & German protestors in Stuttgart & Kassel turn violent.”

This seems to imply that both sides were violent, when it was NOT the case. The protesters are just using their right to peacefully assemble, and they are usually peaceful, until they are forcefully removed by the police.

Here you can see French police violently removing Carnival revellers in France, they weren’t even formal Covid protesters in this case.

Today in Germany, Ms. Merkel has ordered an even harsher lockdown during Easter week (the country has been in lockdown since October!). Among their decisions:

– Churches will be asked to hold services online.
– No more than five adults from two households will be able to meet over the five-day period.
– Public gatherings will be prohibited.- All shops closed.
– Testing and vaccination centers can remain open. (Whew!)

The Western world (or at least, Europe) is moving into full-fledged authoritarianism. But what is most depressing, at least for me, is that most people take the side of the establishment and accuse the protesters of being “irresponsible” and “transmitting Covid”… And individuals who don’t want to take the vaccine (be it for a history of allergies, religion, or mere choice) are demeaned as “no-vaxxers” and may even lose their jobs.

Here (link in Italian, sorry), ten nurses were suspended because they refused the vaccine, even though the Italian constitution allows their choice.



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