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CDC Recommends Continuing J & J Shot « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

CDC Recommends Continuing J & J Shot

April 23, 2021

THE FDA will consider the recommendation of a CDC panel to continue use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID shot even though it has been shown to cause a blood clotting disorder in a small minority. At least 15 women in this country have suffered brain injuries or died. An 18-year-old who was healthy underwent three brain surgeries after receiving the injection. [Update: The FDA has endorsed the CDC recommendations and allowed the continuation of the J & J shots.]

Much attention has been drawn to the alleged deaths and injuries from the Johnson & Johnson product even though the Pfizer and Moderna shots have apparently caused many more deaths, with those reported totaling more than 3,300 as of last week. This total is more than all the vaccine-related deaths reported to the CDC in the 15-year period from 2005 to 2020, according to Vaccine Impact.


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