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Child Reportedly Dies after COVID shot « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Child Reportedly Dies after COVID shot

April 20, 2021

A TWO-YEAR-OLD girl in Virginia, one of thousands of young children receiving experimental COVID injections, has reportedly died. The Covid Blog reports:

The public is unlikely to ever know about any negative results from these unethical trials. But the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is providing glimpses of what happens to babies injected with experimental mRNA.

Death of a two-year-old

A common confirmation bias is that “anybody can report to VAERS,” thus the information is unreliable. But this story is alarming. It should be immediately investigated by the CDC and made national news. Mainstream media are silent, as is the CDC.

A two-year-old girl received her second (Dose 2) experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on February 25. She apparently developed some sort of serious adverse reaction on March 1. The baby was dead on March 3. No further details were provided.

I hope this disturbing story turns out to be incorrect. Children are being used as human guinea pigs for a gene-therapy drug that could cause permanent harm. See this stomach-turning report by KRON4-TV on the trials for children at Stanford University. Modern medicine is barbaric. These parents (I wonder if they are receiving any financial remuneration for participation) are sickos.


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