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Corona Discovers India! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Corona Discovers India!

April 28, 2021

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

Let me see if I got this straight — After 16 months, the mega-densely-populated cities of India — which heretofore had experienced only a fraction of the “cases” and “deaths” that the United States had suffered [both in number and per capita (here)] — have just now, all-of-a-sudden, without explanation, become the overnight “epicenters” ™ of Stupid 19? India’s numbers had been so low that a BBC headline from just this past November — citing baffled “scientists” — asked:

* Coronavirus: Are Indians More Immune to Covid-19?
“India’s case fatality rate or CFR, which measures deaths among Covid-19 patients, is less than 2%, which is among the lowest in the world.” (here)

I reckon this nasty little pathogen is like your foodie reporter here in some ways. You see, for decades, I would never even think of trying Indian food. Too exotic and “different” from my Italian-Irish-American cravings for various pasta dishes, chicken parm, meatballs — or even just good old American hot dogs & hamburgers. It was only in recent years that I discovered the Indian culinary wonders of Butter Chicken, Tika Masala, Onion Nan bread — and Rasmali for dessert. Yummm! And these North Indian specialties aren’t too spicy either. You really ought to try them.

So, perhaps the heretofore European-American “coronavirus” just had a similar mid-life epiphany and suddenly developed an appetite for the bronchial cells of Indian folks in its older years?

Just last week, a well-known actor in India said he was on the streets with beggars and there was no crisis. I guess Corona has no taste for the poor, especially those who are not anti-social distancing. The same thing is true in this country. Corona has largely shunned the homeless and densely-packed prisons, where people should have been dropping like fleas if it was as contagious as they say.

Stay calm. Surely there will be troops on the streets of India, inoculating those all-too-healthy beggars, any day now.

We are all unpaid actors in a non-stop pharmaceutical commercial.


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