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Disobey « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


April 21, 2021

WHATEVER the media, entertainment industry and government tell you to do, do the opposite.

They tell you to wear a mask, wear your naked face.

They tell you to fear cyberattacks and economic collapse, have confidence and hope.

They tell you to take an experimental injection, drink a toast to Big Pharma with herbal tea.  (I make my own with lemon verbena, elderflower, turmeric root, licorice root, ginger root and fennel seeds. I got the recipe off a package of expensive tea bags. It’s fantastic.)

They tell you (indirectly, of course) to get worked up and angry because a white actor has just been fake-convicted of murder in a transparently staged police crime, remain calm and at peace. Think good thoughts about poor, manipulated, Marxist blacks when they tell you we will all pay reparations to former slaves.

Now they also insist you pay more than 30 percent of your income in taxes, and they also tell you, even though you pay another 30 percent for the cost of interest embedded in everything you buy, that capitalism is the best system in the world, that anyone who suggests otherwise is a Commie, and to look the other way when our economy is looted and pillaged by the super rich, who right now are still raking in inconceivable billions from the Corona Scam while thousands of small businesses close their doors for good. (The problem is not wealth per se; it’s theft.)

You have no choice, for now, but to do these things. Americans, who actually could take effective, peaceful action, have been reduced to such a state of nervous agitation, confusion and imbecility that they could not possibly get together and organize a mass tax strike and boycott. They have the power to defund the whole mess, but they can’t see it. (And all the staged shootings and instigated riots and rigged elections and World Wrestling Federation political campaigns and phony pandemics and politicians so vile they fill us with self-loathing and defeatism for being represented by them are intended to keep it that way.)

In due time, however, if more and more people stop being manipulated by the ceaseless propaganda that makes the Soviet Union seem like a haven of honesty and free speech; if they stop being manipulated by what they ingest in the news, by the fiction that passes for history, by the fake alternative news, by fueled political division and by a debt-and-interest economy that is stacked against everyone but the few, you or your children will possibly not be the tax and interest slaves you are now.

First things first. Please for now, don’t do what you are told, when possible. Think of yourself as a rebel.

Do not obey. Just take it as a general rule: Do the opposite of what you are told to do.  If they tell you to resent your husband, love him even more. If they tell you to be depressed, laugh. If they tell you not to go down that rabbit hole, leap into it. You cannot control the powerful, but you can control yourself.

— Comments —

Loyal Reader writes:

Your post reminded me of a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

Sums up the last year+ perfectly.

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Only a few weeks ago the entire mainstream media were saying that Chauvin and His Eminence Saint Floyd were bouncers at the same nightclub.  If it is correct that police ‘n’ drug thugs have been working together for years for both parties’ financial benefit, I can see why this was not brought up in court.  Or at least I don’t think it was.  Is this what you were referring to, indirectly, when you talk of a “transparently staged police crime”?  I have to admit I don’t do a great deal of reading on this topic, I’m that sick of it.

Laura writes:

Yes, I was referring to that.

I’m not going to get into details right now, but here are some interesting facts about the trial.

Bob writes:

From the movie They Live.





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