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Earth Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Earth Day

April 22, 2021

NO ONE who has lived in a close working relationship with nature would come up with an idea as banal as “Earth Day.” Farmers, fishermen, miners, loggers — you think any of these people actually celebrate this U.N. Holy Day?

The people who get excited about this impersonal and vague entity called “earth” spend most of their days indoors or in cars. It’s not surprising that they would be starved for more green, but they tend to romanticize “the planet.”

You think these characters below would have joined an Earth Day event if they had had the chance? The earth could have made coal more accessible, perhaps placed it in open fields or on shelves even, but it didn’t, it just didn’t, and many people lived miserable days underground because of it.

Earth Day is the invention of political zealots who couldn’t grow a potato if their lives depended on it and who want to abolish national borders and take over the world and its resources. The “earth” may seem dreamy and magnificent to us, but it is a ball, a toy, in their greasy little hands. In exchange for our resulting loss of freedom and humanity, they will allow us the exciting opportunity to grow cabbages in the backyards of rented homes or on apartment balconies. Hence “Earth Day.” Forced to scramble for daily existence as they drain our national treasuries, we will believe we are resorting to subsistence agriculture in order to save “the earth.” We will believe we stopped eating meat to save “the earth.” We will believe we are riding bicycles to save “the earth.” We will believe we are wearing recycled clothes — well, you get the idea. The noble objectives of thrift and a conscientious use of the goods of the earth are not the true goals here.

The more denatured human beings become, the more they fall for the slogans and seductively lush imagery of Earth Day propagandists and forget just what nature is. To put it bluntly, it’s got quite a long rap sheet.

Volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, weeds, invasive pests, poisonous snakes, lightning, falling trees, wildfires, bear attacks — what’s up, earth? What do you have against the human race? What do you have against animals just trying to make a decent living? You’re not even all that natural. If the earth is such a great being, as major retailers are telling us today, it has some explaining to do.

The earth is not doing its share. It’s not a team player. There are problems almost every day of the week with it. I hate to kill the mood, but spend a little time today, earth, reflecting on your anger issues, your tendency to blame others for your problems and on your own selfish refusal to be sustainable. We’ve tried and tried. We’ve bent over backwards trying to please you — and it’s just never enough.

As for the masterminds behind Earth Day — not the ordinary people starved for green, touched by the light streaming through a pine tree, enchanted by birdsong and desiring to shun waste, pollution and pesticides —  a coal mine would be just about right for them.



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