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In India, An Actor’s Death and Anger « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

In India, An Actor’s Death and Anger

April 20, 2021

Vivek (Wikipedia)

A POPULAR actor in India died of cardiac arrest on April 17, one day after receiving a COVID “vaccine.” The 59-year-old Vivekanandan, known as Vivek, was a comedian, singer and actor in the Tamil film industry. Now his friend, veteran Tamil actor Mansoor Ali Khan, is in the news for lashing out in public, claiming the well-known actor was the victim of a pharmaceutical experiment and manufactured crisis. He told reporters:

Are the people of India guinea pigs? Are we rabid dogs? You will jab people just like that! What are the contents of these vaccines?

Khan said Vivek was healthy before his sudden death. Khan has spent time on the streets with beggars and says he has found no evidence of a devastating pandemic. Masks are making people sick, he told reporters, and the whole thing will end when the testing stops.

Khan now faces criminal charges for his statements. The Hindu reports:

Police, acting on the complaint, booked Khan under sections 153, (Wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot) 270 (Malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life), 505 (1) (spreading rumour) 505(1)(b) (spreading rumour with intent to cause fear or alarm to the public, whereby any person may be induced to commit an offence against the State or against public tranquillity) as well as provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act and National Disaster Management Act


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