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Interest Enslaves « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Interest Enslaves

April 19, 2021

“CONSIDER a mortgage. We borrow $200k, and after 30 years we will have [paid] about $500k. So we pay $300 thousand dollars interest over the loan.

“What would happen with our purchasing power, if we only needed to repay the principal? It would mean we would have 10,000 per year more purchasing power during the 30 years we repay the mortgage.

“Our credit would greatly improve, because our liabilities would be much smaller.

“Interest is [paid] to those who have money, and [paid] by those who don’t, and therefore need to borrow.

“Interest is therefore a wealth transfer from poor to rich….”

— Anthony Migchels, “The Problem is Not Debt, it’s Interest


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