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Medicine and Modern Idolatry « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Medicine and Modern Idolatry

April 28, 2021

“MODERN-day culture has changed dramatically since the theory of Darwinian evolution came on the scene and dominated academics in western culture, so that today the physical world is exalted above all other realities. The spiritual world is either denied or ignored. Hence, creation of physical idols out of basic elements such as wood or metals is very uncommon, because current culture ignores the unseen world that could be represented by such physical manifestations.

“What has replaced those idols, however, are beliefs in new ones. The most common idol in western culture today, by far, is medicine – the new ‘magic.’

“Modern day medicine has existed for a relatively short period of human history, and the creation of a body of licensed ‘physicians’ can be traced back to the start of the vaccine movement in Europe in the 1800s, when health officials wanted more control over the population and what they perceived as threatening diseases like smallpox.

“Today, medicine is seen as the solution to almost all of life’s problems. A pill or vaccine exists now for just about every ailment or problem in life, and for those problems that don’t have a medical solution yet, billions of dollars are spent on research to find one. The belief system currently in place is that physical science and medicine can solve all problems in life.”

Brian Shilhavey


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