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The Delay Between Vaccines and Mass Casualties « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Delay Between Vaccines and Mass Casualties

April 28, 2021

PROPAGANDA outlets are already sending out signals of what is in store for the months ahead.

From Christians for Truth:

They are warning doctors about what they can expect to see from so-called “Long COVID” in the next 6 months — “respiratory conditions, diseases of the nervous system, mental-health diagnoses, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal conditions, and poor general well-being.”

Clearly, the real purpose of this study is to pre-emptively blame these diseases and deaths on the dubious COVID virus itself — not the “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines.

These mRNA vaccines act like ticking time bombs — with a delayed fuse — which was discussed in detail on a recent Alex Jones show — yes, sometimes when Alex takes a break for shilling for Israel and the Mossad, he provides some good content:


Michale Yeadon,  Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry, recently made similar predictions, as have many others.

— Comments —

Wayne writes:

“Long Covid” reminds me of this post about long horses from some years ago.

It’s the discussion in the comments that make it so funny. There’s a couple of leg pullers in there that are mine.

Just to lighten things a bit.

Thanks very much for your work and your blog.



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