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Thousands Take to Streets in London « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Thousands Take to Streets in London

April 26, 2021


IN HYDE PARK on Saturday and in the streets nearby, protesters by the many thousands marched as much as eight miles to voice anger against proposals for vaccine passports. It’s hard to estimate the size of the crowd, but the streets were packed, most of the people without masks. The media depicted the protestors as violent and ran photos of bloodied police officers. The Daily Mail reports:

Eight officers have been injured as protesters bombarded police with missiles and bottles after thousands of anti-vaccine passport activists marched through London.

TV presenter Beverly Turner and London Mayor candidates Piers Corbyn and Laurence Fox joined thousands of activists in a ‘Unite for Freedom’ protest to demand a ban on vaccine passports.

Demonstrators hurled bottles as officers attempted to disperse the crowds in Hyde Park on Saturday evening, the Metropolitan Police said.

But, according to commenters at the Mail, protestors sitting peacefully in the park were attacked by the police with batons.

The headline is very misleading. I was there. Never did I feel remotely threatened. Everyone I saw had great respect for the police. It was a very peaceful protest. I would not be surprised if the violence was manufactured to create these jingoistic headlines and to dismiss those fighting to restore our democracy.

These protests are inevitably going to be a combination of ordinary people and provocateurs or controlled opposition figures, including leaders like Corbyn and Fox. In the days ahead, as people refuse to abide by COVID totalitarianism, dissidents will be portrayed in the media as hoodlums.

People throughout the U.K. are enraged at the ongoing restrictions. Read the thousands of comments after Daily Mail articles and you will get some sense of how many people see through this manufactured crisis.


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