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A Few Words on Mel Gates « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Few Words on Mel Gates

May 10, 2021

SINCEĀ Mel Gates and her husband are in the news for alleged personal conflict, I thought you might enjoy this post I wrote in 2012 on Mel, “Melinda Gates: Anti-Mother Imperialist.

This was one of a couple of posts I did on Melinda, who loved nothing more than preventing others from having children. She was like a witch from ancient fairy tales who snatches babies from their cribs. Her contempt for motherhood, clothed in romantic deception and globalist visions, was profound.

At that time, almost ten years ago, I viewed many pictures of her online. I distinctly remember her face. I was startled last year to observe that the Melinda Gates of today looks distinctly different from the pictures I saw, many of which have apparently been altered or scrubbed on the Internet.

She now looks manly, with a huge schnozzle, big chin, bushy eyebrows and beefy calves. She looks like just the sort of tranny who would hate the natural order and babies in their cribs. Maybe lying has just transformed her. They say it makes the nose grow.

I could care less, of course.

I could care less about the alleged divorce of these two nauseating, murderous megalomaniacs with their poisoned needles, whoever they are. Did people in Soviet gulags take a sincere interest in the love life of Stalin? I hope not. The Gates Divorce is like the Meghan and Harry story — soap opera slop for the masses revolving around two vile creatures. Reading it is like handling slime. I believe this story is intended to boost the heterosexual creds of the eugenicist Bill Gates. Oh, what a lothario he is with his corporate exec girlfriend!! I suspect far more sinister predilections for this effeminate friend of pedophilia-pusher Jeffrey Epstein.

Bill and Mel Gates, assuming they are Bill and Mel, don’t give a damn about you. In fact, they want you dead. Why would any person in his right mind care about their marriage?


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