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Still Breathing in Virginia « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Still Breathing in Virginia

May 6, 2021


I’m just a little old widow woman on Social Security, but I’m doing what I can! Earlier in the week I went to the Kroger’s grocery store in Portsmouth. The store now has an armed guard inside the entrance. As I entered, maskless, he approached me.  I stared right at him and continued walking. He backed away. Then I went to the Fresh Market, an upscale grocery store in Ghent, Norfolk.  It’s the only place where I can find decaf whole coffee beans. As I checked out, unmasked of course, the young, blond cashier asked me if I was not wearing a mask because I was vaccinated. I said I will never get the shot and I am unable to wear a mask.  Her response astounded me: “Good for you!  Don’t let anyone intimidate you!  These masks are stupid.  The whole thing is stupid.” She said that she has asthma and the masks aggravate her condition.

I went birding Saturday in the Great Dismal Swamp. Usually this time of the year I would go with a birding group looking for all the lovely Warblers. But I went alone, as the group declared that masks had to be worn and social distancing observed, in the swamp!!!  There’s even a sign that says masks are required while in the Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge.  It has a picture of a black bear wearing a mask.  Oddly, I encountered three bird watchers, all masked, who had their dogs with them.  Good grief!  Dogs are not allowed in a wildlife refuge!  But the humans had their masks on.

I’m not giving in, but it’s pretty lonely being a rebel.  Even among those who more or less reject the “narrative,” there’s little solidarity or unity of vision as to what should be done.  Oh well, as I’ve said before, I’m glad that I’m 74!!!


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