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Why Children Wear Masks in School « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Children Wear Masks in School

May 20, 2021

FROM Descent into Slavery, an imperfect though insightful analysis of recent history up until 1980, by Des Griffin [Emissary Publications, California; 1980], p.227:

It has long been a recognized fact among geopoliticians that the most effective way to undermine a society is to change the value systems embraced by its citizens. To accomplish this goal in the United States, the international conspirators knew that it was essential to gain control of America’s schools and colleges. These institutions could then be used as potent tools in their ‘urban renewal’ program for the destruction of the ‘old order’ in the United States, and also to ‘re-educate’ (or brainwash) coming generations of Americans into an acceptance of an alien philosophy that would ultimately lead to their descent into slavery.

As explained in Fourth Reich of the Rich (pp. 76-82), this assault on American society was led by the Rockefellers and their General Education Board. Their aim, as expressed by Dr. Harold Ruggs in The Great Technology, page 32, was the “creation of a new public mind . . . Old stereotypes must be broken down and new ‘climates of opinion’ formed in the neighborhoods of America.”

The subversive system of ‘progressive education,’ financed by the Rockefellers and their associates and directed by John Dewey, was used in the early years to sow and nurture the seeds of destruction of traditional education.

The assault was somewhat modified with the arrival in Washington of Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 and the publication, in the same year, of the Humanist Manifesto. This document, which many modern educators look upon as their ‘Bible,’ was revised and brought up to date in 1973. Though a short document, Humanist Manifesto II lays bare the methods that are being used to subvert our nation’s youth through the government school system. This statement may appear to be an overly harsh indictment of the American school system but, as we shall see, it is fully justified.

Many people refer to our ‘public schools’ but this is a hideous misnomer. Public schools don’t exist. As Barbara Morris forcefully points out in Change Agents In the Schools, the word ” ‘public’ implies belonging to or controlled by the people. ‘Schools’ are thought to be places where children study and learn the ‘wisdom of the ages’ and are exposed to civilizing influences” (p. 16).

However, in the final analysis ‘Public schools’ are not controlled by the people in the community. Directly or indirectly, through control or funding, for curriculum development, teacher training etc. The real power rests in the hands of the government. This makes them government schools. Local boards are just so much window dressing.

As Mrs. Morris shows, the government schools “exist to promote change . . . social change, political change, religious change, change in our form of government. Total Change. “

But specifically, change from what to what? Change from a Christian sovereign nation to a Humanist/Socialist interdependent nation-state in a dictatorship euphemistically called a ‘global community’ with ‘world citizens’ content with enslavement. “

In particular, government schools are striving to destroy the status, structure and stability of the family. Strong families make a strong nation and they must be eliminated if the proposed dictatorship is to be established and maintained. Look at your family and the families you know. How stable are they? The breakdown you see is not ‘just happening’—the chaos is planned” (pp. 17, 18). “

We now have nothing less than a revolution taking place. Schools have become open agents of social change, working steadily to enthrone the ‘articles of faith’ of the religion of Humanism . . . Attitudes, values and behaviors must be changed for the coming new world order that will involve at the same time, the worship of man and the enslavement of mankind. A terrifying prospect that is already upon us” (p. 35, 36).

Mrs. Morris delves into every aspect of this Humanist attack on traditional American values and, in twelve chapters, paints a devastatingly powerful picture of the crime being perpetrated upon our nation’s greatest asset—its youth—by the “change agents in the schools.”

Quoting directly from top authorities in the field of education, Mrs. Morris draws a frightening picture of what is taking place behind the closed doors of America’s classrooms. What emerges is indisputable evidence of a carefully planned, skillfully executed, no-holds-barred assault by the “change agents” on all of the values, principles and convictions that served to make America a giant among the pygmies on the international scene.

— Comments —

George Weinbaum writes:

I remember in about 1959 Nikita Khruschev said, “give me control of a nation’s schools for 40 years and I will give you a Communist nation”.

Similar statements are attributed to Vladimir Lenin.

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