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Germination « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


August 3, 2021

IF YOU knew nothing about nature and someone showed you the seed of a tree and told you that this small winged seed could grow into a towering tree as tall as 90 feet and as wide as 40 feet, would you believe it? Would it be possible even to believe it?

The person who told you about the tree could not prove he was right for years. In the meantime, he might seem delusional or a little bit off.

Ideas are like that. They seem insignificant. They are so small they have no material existence. Some people can live their whole lives disbelieving in them. Ideas are mere rumors. They have no consequences. It is self-indulgence to think and to dream.

If someone explained an idea or immaterial fact to these disbelievers and told them that this idea or fact could build  — or wreck — an entire civilization it would be as impossible for them to believe as it would be for some to believe that a gigantic tree comes from a small pod.

There’s something equally absurd about the gardener and the thinker.

They live in the imagination. They have faith in the unseen. The non-existent is often more real than the existent. They believe the insignificant is not insignificant. It has consequences.


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