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Prayers for the Dead « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Prayers for the Dead

November 2, 2021

THE MONTH of November is dedicated to the holy souls in Purgatory. Prayers and daily reflections can be found here and here.

“The first source or cause of a desire to be delivered from any state in life is, when that state is connected with great embarrassment and afflictions. Hence it is that the sick long so eagerly for the presence of the physician and for the medicine that will cure them; in like manner the starving long for bread and nourishment; the thirsty, for water; the poor, for the sentence of the judge, that will declare them heirs to riches, and save them from destitution. So also does the wayfarer upon the billows of the stormy ocean sigh for the port, yearn to reach the place where a happy future awaits him; and so does the prisoner in his dreary cell anxiously expect the hour of his delivery. How great, therefore, must not be the desire of the poor souls to be ransomed from Purgatory.”

Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876


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