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Woman, Man’s Helpmeet « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Woman, Man’s Helpmeet

November 19, 2021

“AFTER creating man, God created woman and determined her mission, namely, that of being man’s companion, helpmeet and consolation…It is a mistake, therefore, to maintain that woman’s rights are the same as man’s. Women in war or parliament are outside their proper sphere and their position. There would be the desperation and ruin of society. Woman, created as man’s companion, must so remain under the power of love and affection, but always under his power. How mistaken, therefore, is that misguided feminism which seeks to correct God’s work. It is like a mechanic trying to correct the signs and movements of the universe. Scripture, and especially the three epistles of St. Paul, emphasizes woman’s dependence on man, her love and assistance, but not her slavery to him.”

— Pope St. Pius X, in address to a delegation of the Union of Italian Catholic Women in 1909

— Comments —

S.K. Orr writes:

Wonderful quote, and very timely for me. I just finished reading the author Anne Rice’s spiritual memoir, Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession. Much of the book is quite enjoyable, with vivid descriptions of her growing up in pre-Vatican II New Orleans and her memories of the development of her faith, along with details about how she apostasized, embraced atheism, and struggled back to the Church after many years.

But the last section of the book mars the entire work because Rice devotes much energy to squalling about the horrible way in which women are barred from leadership in the Church, as well as the awful judgmental stance of the Church on homosexuals, etc. Her own son’s homosexuality is likely key to this sensitivity about the Church’s clear teaching in these areas.

It’s always interesting to watch someone react when a nerve is touched. The quote you posted would likely drive Mrs. Rice into apoplexy.

Laura writes:

Oh, brother.

I guess she resents that the apostles were male too — and Jesus Christ.

Dianne writes:

Just wanted to say that I believe the female vote and then, further, the push for female authority in government positions, is what pulled our nation left.

I’d go so far as to say, keep the vote for men alone and those only who own land, or maybe have a family. That might be extreme and it’s not my original thought, but I think it makes sense in many ways.


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