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“Measures” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


February 25, 2022

PROPAGANDA is the conscious manipulation of the thoughts and feelings of the multitudes. Covid propaganda has involved endless verbal manipulation, both subtle and not-so-subtle.

Consider one small element in this mass campaign — one drop in the tsunami of words.  Searching for the term “Covid measures” in Google, I came up with 333** million results. In the last few days alone there were dozens of news stories that referred to Covid “measures.”

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a measure is “a plan or course of action taken to achieve a particular purpose.”

But is “measure” in connection with “Covid” the right word? In my opinion, it is a euphemism. These measures are not collective plans. They are edicts, decrees, orders or threats.  All Covid “measures” involve some level of coercion by government or institutions; all involve a boot in the face. Imagine if a “Covid Mitigation Measures Update” was called a “Covid Mitigation Orders Update.” It just wouldn’t sound so inoffensive.

Who was the first to use this term?

Perhaps the information warriors at World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the Centers for Disease Control were the first — who knows? The term has spread. Truckers engage in “sieges,” governments engage in “measures.”

Oh, and let’s not forget that these “measures” are highly profitable since they perpetuate the illusion of a pandemic. Pfizer alone made an estimated $70-80 Billion profit in 2021, most of it from Covid “vaccines,” while labs have raked in millions from fraudulent PCR testing.

Maybe we should take some measures against this racket.

Control the words and you control the world.

*** (Cool number!)

— Comments —

George Weinbaum writes:

Pfizer recently filed its 2021 Form 10-K.  It made $81 billion in sales.  Not profits.

Laura writes:

Of course.

Thank you for the correction.




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