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Two Years in Tyrantland « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Two Years in Tyrantland

February 3, 2022

ALAN writes:

The cast of television’s “Father Knows Best” appear in a 1959, 33-minute film called “Twenty-Four Hours in Tyrantland,” produced by Screen Gems television in co-operation with the U.S. Treasury Dept.  It is a dramatization of how tyranny becomes possible when people are gullible or apathetic enough to permit the enactment of non-objective laws and the surrender to government of arbitrary power that such laws make possible.  In light of two years of COVID Tyranny, it is well worth watching.

Father Jim Anderson (portrayed superbly by actor Robert Young) says to his apathetic children: “What would happen if everyone in America was as little concerned about our way of life as you are?  Why, freedom would go zinging right out the door. “

“Oh, you know that’s not going to happen,” his daughter Betty replies (portrayed by actress Elinor Donahue).

To which he responds, “It could happen much easier than you think.”

If Americans learned anything from such warnings, it was not evident in 2020 when they allowed their nation to be made into a kind of Tyrantland. They showed how easy it was.  Voodoo science, fake “tests”, medical mumbo-jumbo, pretentious numbers of “cases” invented out of the blue or purposely distorted or misrepresented, the self-serving advice of “experts,”\ and the common cold and seasonal flu wearing the brand new COVID sticker — Americans bought it all.  All the rules, limitations, and diktats imposed on that pretext are perfect examples of non-objective law — and therefore wholly indefensible.

During the dark years of World War II, Americans must have felt a spirit of uplift when they listened to Vera Lynn or Vaughn Monroe singing “When the Lights Go On Again (All Over the World).”

Seventy-five years later, we saw the lights going out again all over the world — the lights of political liberty, individual rights, and freedom of speech, worship, travel, and commerce.

“You are living in the most bizarre, and insane world—ever,” Dr. Bruce Charlton wrote in 2016—four years before the launch of the great COVID Hoax of 2020, which of course has made it even worse.

Over the past two years, we have been witness to the greatest propaganda operation in history.  On the basis of that propaganda, tyranny was dropped right in front of Americans — and many of them refused to see it, or were too dumb to see it, or saw it but tried to justify it.

My working hypothesis has been that the COVID menace does not exist, that there was never any pandemic, and that there is no moral, political, or medical justification for the tyranny that governments have imposed on citizens.

In its early days, a man who was a friend of mine then (but is not now) said to me, “We are doomed.”  The alleged Killer Virus and its alleged effects were what he had in mind.  He trusted virtually anything Fauci said. I trusted nothing Fauci said. Hence, we became ex-friends.

When he said, “We are doomed”, he was right — but for the wrong reasons.  Americans are indeed doomed, not by any Killer Virus but by their own moral cowardice, profound ignorance of history, boundless gullibility, unwarranted trust in “experts, authorities, scientists, and doctors,” and their supine willingness to sacrifice their rights (and yours and mine) on the flimsiest pretext peddled by shysters and swindlers.

There was irony in our broken friendship. Each of us had enjoyed the Sherlock Holmes stories presented on television or in the 1940s’ motion pictures with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. But his ready acceptance of the COVID Propaganda was wholly at odds with any kind of Sherlockian standards for evaluating such propaganda.

The willingness of Americans to be deceived is astonishing to behold.  The mind boggles at such credulity; at such cowardly, supine accommodation of political tyranny by people whose ancestors risked their lives to establish Liberty against Government, Individual Rights against Government, and measures designed to preclude such tyranny.

Another of my ex-friends told me she was “relieved that Facebook deletes all wrong information and one TV station will fact check any shared news to see if it is true or not.”

Apparently it does not occur to such people that Pravda provided the same courtesy to residents of Communist Russia:  It told them what the truth is — and anybody who doubted it or questioned it was quickly labeled a “subversive” or a “fascist” or “mentally ill” or “psychoneurotic” or “an enemy of the people.” There were NO independent news sources in Communist Russia because the Communists would silence all of them.  Why should we have independent news in America today when Facebook or TV stations will tell us what the truth is?  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  Is that a knee-slapper or what?

I am old enough to remember controversy in 1966 about what was then called “news management”, which meant “news” purposely crafted and slanted to make Government look good or enable it to evade accountability to taxpayers.  The only difference between then and now is that “news management” today is practiced ever more slickly, and there is no better example than the COVID propaganda.

I saw a perfect example of “news management” in the years 1964-’68 in how the mass communications industry responded to the Warren Commission Report on the murder of President Kennedy.  Their almost-universal response was to back the Washington Party Line and attempt to discredit or demonize people who expressed dissenting views.

What have we witnessed over the past two years if not exactly the same tactics applied to the COVID Hoax by the mass communications industry?  I defy anyone to cite better examples of “news management.”

Can there be any doubt that what is called “the news” about the COVID menace is purposely slanted and twisted to echo the current Party Line?

The COVID Hoax was planned and rehearsed years ago. In 2017, Fauci predicted that a killer virus would come into being during the Trump presidency. Was he clairvoyant?  Did he peer into his crystal ball and foresee the future?  Was it a “coincidence”?  Ha, ha, ha ha, ha!

Mandatory face-masks and body-temperature checks were specified in a Rockefeller Foundation report in 2010 in which “Lock Step” was also spelled out — meaning:  “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership”— meaning:  Tyrannical Government and Zero Accountability to citizens.

“A patent for a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was filed with a Dutch government organization in 2015….   A second associated patent was filed and published in the U.S….in 2017…..”

“Two years before COVID-19 existed [or was invented], hundreds of millions of specifically-labeled ‘COVID-19’ test kits were distributed worldwide….”

        [The Political Pandemic: 2.  None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, Christian Order, April 2021]

No government today has any claim to credibility unless it opposes and condemns the seizure of totalitarian powers by such men.

If a new strain of “the flu” is claimed to exist and if the US Government or State Governments or Municipal Governments announced that fact and then advised citizens to take precautions against it, I might be willing to listen to that advice.

Advice from government is one thing.

Coercion by government is quite another.

There is nothing wrong about the former.  There is nothing right about the latter.


— End of Initial Entry —


Laura writes:

Viruses are not living microorganisms. They are not predators in the air, but particles present in cells when the body is fighting toxins.

As Dawn Lester and David Parker, authors of What Really Makes You Ill, write:

Viruses are defined as particles comprised of genetic material in a protein coating. They are not living organisms. But these non-living particles have never been isolated and their genetic constitution has never been characterised. This in turn means that scientists have no knowledge of the actual identity of any specific so-called ‘viral particle’. Furthermore, and most importantly, no ‘viral particle’ has been proven to be the cause of any disease – ever!

All experiments that are conducted in the belief that they will produce ‘isolation of a virus’ are based on the experiments conducted by John Enders and Thomas Peebles in the 1950s and reported in their seminal paper entitled Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with Measles that was published in 1954. The experiments they performed are claimed to have proved that a particular ‘virus’ was the cause of measles; but a careful reading of the actual paper demonstrates that this is not the case.

Here’s an interview of the authors by Dr. Andrew Kaufman that helps sort through some of this mess.


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