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An Anti-Feminist Song « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Anti-Feminist Song

March 12, 2022

IN “I’ve Never Been to Me” sung by Charlene Marilynn Oliver, known simply as Charlene, an older woman addresses a young woman and reflects on her own past, ruined by the false dreams of feminism.

At the (pseudo-Catholic) Remnant,  Chris Jackson offers perceptive commentary.

 She notices a younger lady who is miserable with her state in life, married with children. We can imagine so many young women in our country who no doubt find it extremely difficult trying to raise a family in our current society. The drudgery of daily obligations, trying to make ends meet, the constant needs of the children and husband. Meanwhile the culture is constantly providing the enticing siren song of an escape. If you free yourself of this burden of a family you can make more money, you can go on expensive vacations, you can find true romance, you can live your dreams. The song continues as the older lady explains she has already lived the life the young wife and mother is dreaming about …

I know many women who have lived this song. Feminism creates an ever-flowing river of tears.

Won’t you share a part of a weary heart that has lived a million lies?

The song, by the way, was written and composed by two men, Ron Miller and Kenneth Hirsch. It was not much of a sensation when it was released in 1977, but became a hit in 1982. In this video, Charlene sings the song in her wedding dress.


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