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Conversation in Hell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Conversation in Hell

March 5, 2022

DISCUSSION, when there is any, goes like this:

“You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine.”

Or, “That’s fine for you, but not for me.”

Or, “We all have different paths.”

The air is ignited with the gasoline of self-assertion. Truth is engulfed in flames of opinion. Try to stand and the bottoms of your feet are scorched.

Teeth are razor sharp. Fingernails are like daggers. Right and wrong can’t be right or wrong. But they facilitate discussion.

Everyone agrees to disagree.

— Comments —

Janice writes:

That was so interesting, Laura!

I had read a description, in a book by Fr. C Ripperger, PhD, of Hell as a place of “perfect insanity”, where nothing is clear, nothing makes sense and never will, only that one knows one is there and knows the sin that put him there forever. The perception he has of everything, including the life he had on earth, is distorted and anger-and-anxiety-provoking, because mental clarity, or sanity, being a good, cannot exist in Hell. The damned are condemned to permanent insanity. How frightening to think of!

The world must sit up and take notice of the increasing levels of near-insane hatred and anger there is here on earth; this is a foretaste of Hell.



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