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Kamala on the Northern Flank « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Kamala on the Northern Flank

March 11, 2022

KAMALA HARRIS in her speech alongside Polish President Andrzej Duda this week in Poland offered a quick study in why women should not be political leaders.

Notice how glaring the male/female difference was as the gigglingly effusive Harris stood next to the rigidly unsmiling Duda.

In other roles, perhaps if she was a hostess at a nice restaurant, Kamala’s laughter, her expressions of empathy, her consistent appeals to emotion, her bungling of basic phrases might all be perfectly charming. But not for a world leader near a purported war zone.

Granted many women would do much better than this and men can make terrible vice presidents. But it’s not worth the risk of having an entire nation led by a kindergarten teacher. Besides women, even those as ambitious as Kamala, have better things to do.

The globalists have always wanted women at the top because they are easier to control and are better at emotionally manipulating the masses. Honestly, I felt a bit sorry for Harris. Not that I have ever seen her looking or acting even remotely  vice-presidential. But she seemed so nervous and out of her depth. Men are made for stress and crisis, not women. Is it any wonder many talented women are half-mad (or completely bonkers)? They are placed in such stressful situations and are as out of their element as ducks in a desert.

— C0mments —

Caryl Johnston qrites:

I agree with your view of women in politics. Kamala is deeply embarrassing. Between Biden and Harris, we don’t even have the flair of Caligula, who rode his horse into the Roman Senate.




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