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Mental Disintegration « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mental Disintegration

March 30, 2022


[See comments below. This video is satire. I sincerely apologize for misleading readers. Sad to say, it’s close to the truth. Now if only this Disney executive’s statement was satire!]

A TEACHER in Fort Worth, Texas comments at school board meeting. This man (or is he a woman?) needs a strait jacket, not a podium.

We are surrounded. More and more people are flagrantly insane. It’s not surprising.

This reminds me of a bright boy who had a beautiful smile.

One day when he was in college, not long after he “transitioned” to a woman, he drove to a state park and hung himself from a tree.

Pray for these people. They have nothing left.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

I could certainly be wrong of course, but this Fort Worth teacher’s over-the-top expression of “outrage” against “transphobia,” etc., nevertheless seems to me to be mostly contrived and a put on. I believe it is real and proceeds from actual psychosis about as much as I believe the recent encounter between Will Smith and Chris Rock that has garnered so much press lately was real, and not a pre-planned, pre-practiced act. Which is to say, not very much. Comedian Andy Kaufman & an old pro wrestler named Jerry Lawler performed the same act way back in 1982 on the David Letterman show. Lots of people back then believed that incident was real because the two actors played it so well and it therefore looked so real. But it wasn’t real; the joke was on them, which was the point. The more recent slapping act wasn’t even that well played by either actor.

I don’t believe this teacher is as crazy as he puts on in that act. For one thing, he too easily and too readily transitions from “batshit crazy” to normalcy and back again. Although I will readily admit that if he keeps it up, he’s liable to go completely off the deep end for real at some point. At which point, yes, suicide is a definite possibility if he doesn’t decide instead to murder a bunch of people in a Wal Mart.

One thing is certain in any case – he has no business whatever “teaching” kids of any age or gender. But Fort Worth ISD is fairly notorious in recent years for hiring these sorts of freaks to teach their kids. Which brings into question the sanity of the admins at Fort Worth ISD, as well as the parents of the kids who attend those … insane asylums.

Laura writes:

I wondered whether the whole thing was a hoax too.

In any case, this stuff makes people insane. No question about it.

Mr. Morris writes:

Yeah, those kinds of kids are raised in severely dysfunctional homes. Lots of times single mother homes, but not always. It’s sad. And it’s child abuse. The so called “moms” will raise their kids to believe they were supposed to have been a girl and not a boy, or vice versa.

There was a several parts long story in the liberal rag (but aren’t they all now) the Tulsa World newspaper some years back wherein the mother of one of these “troubled teens” was applauded for having recognized that her son was actually born the wrong gender when he was only three years-old. She first began to notice it at that tender age when he began pulling at his genitals and exclaiming, “off, off!” Not long afterward, according to the mother’s account, she began to buy him girl toys and dress him like a girl, and to reinforce at every other turn that he was in fact a girl that nature had cruelly assigned the wrong gender.

This craziness of hers ultimately caused a divorce between her and the boy’s father; she ultimately pushed the father out of the boy’s life entirely because he wouldn’t go along with what she was doing to his son. She taught the boy in the meantime that his father was his worst enemy, so the boy never trusted his father and would have nothing to do with him in spite of the father’s attempts to reconnect to his son when the boy got a little older. Longer story short, the boy ultimately got gender reassignment surgery (the impetus for the article to begin with – the mother was insisting this be done to him at 15), started a romantic relationship with another boy from his school, tried to kill himself several times and by as many means, and was finally successful in his fourth or fifth attempt.

Laura writes:


William writes:

Your blog entry titled “Mental Disintegration” includes a video which I can assure you is a satire, the work of a “you-tuber” named Cassady Campbell.  It’s his way of shining a light on the absurdity of such thinking.  Some may find it too over-the-top, but if you listen closely to his speech and read the writing on the poster board, you might get a kick out of it.

Laura writes:

Thanks for letting me know.

Sad to say, it’s close to the truth.



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