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New Lies for Old « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

New Lies for Old

March 11, 2022

“RUSSIA is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception. Genuine Western conservatives and Christians are being set up for total annihilation. It’s a trap! Get out!”

Timothy Fitzpatrick

— Comments —

Bruce Charlton writes:

Your posting of a paragraph by Timothy Fitzpatrick claims that Russia now is in essence exactly the same entity as the USSR.

But I know of several Christians with direct personal experience who all tell me that since 1989 there has been a truly massive​ revival of the Eastern Orthodox church – and of the devoutness that goes with it. You can find the numbers of new churches, cathedrals, monasteries etc for yourself, if you want.

This starting from a baseline of extreme persecution/ genocide for many decades; when about 99% of church buildings had been destroyed or repurposed under the USSR – and untold numbers of Christians killed – including many hundreds of bishops (nearly all – except a handful of collaborators), tens/hundreds of thousands of priests, monks and nuns; millions of devout laity. Even more than died in the Holocaust, Solzhenitsyn estimated – although the USSR deliberately kept no official records.

This is surely a least one very significant factual difference between now and then.

Laura writes:

Certainly there are differences between now and then, but I think his point was that the leadership is essentially unchanged. Since the 90’s there have been significantly more people identifying with Orthodoxy, as well as Islam and Catholicism, in Russia, but the idea that Russia is a Christian nation is still far from the mark.

I’ll let Fitzpatrick elaborate (while I take exception to the idea that there could be a true Orthodox Church):

Is Putin doing anything more than Lenin in permitting the existence of the Sergian church in Russia and its subsidiaries in the West? Where is the rebirth of authentic Orthodoxy in Russia today? Shouldn’t this be reflected in Russia’s statistics, which have sky-high abortion rates, broken families, and essentially the same problems as the “evil” West? How many Russians even know of the Catacomb Church? In truth, both Putin and Lenin are responsible for the rebirth of the orthodox church—a Soviet mongrelized church. Patriarch Kirill follows the Sergian line of illegitimate succession, it seems. And lo and behold, Kirill is “former” FSB. During the Red Terror, the Soviets created schisms within the true Church and even honeypot “anti-Soviet” traditional churches to lure the flock to their deaths. How can we be sure Putin will not (perhaps he already has) do the same? Golitsyn claimed in the 1980s-90s that the crypto-Soviet power would offer concessions to the Church—effectively gambits—as part of its long-range strategy to woo social conservatives. And this is exactly what happened. In the following quote, Golitsyn speaks of the subversion of the Church.

“It fails to understand that greater apparent official tolerance of religion in the Soviet Union is accompanied by a secret drive to increase Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic and other churches and to use agents therein for political and strategic purposes inside and outside the Soviet Union. As part of the programme to destroy religion from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s, started sending dedicated young Communists to ecclesiastical academies and seminaries to train them as future church leaders. These young Communists joined the Church, not at the call of their consciences to serve God, but at the call of the Communist Party in order to serve that Party and to implement its general line in the struggle against religion.” (pg. 116, The Perestroika Deception) [emphasis mine]

Mr. Charlton responds:

Yet the stark difference remains in spite of whatever qualifications. In the Western nations, the Christian churches have been collapsing and the state has been opposed to churches – but in Russia the opposite.

Laura writes:


I have just explained to you that that is myth.

It is a lie specifically promoted by Duginist propagandists to get Western conservatives to embrace globalism based in Moscow.

Laura writes:

And I am NOT saying the U.S. isn’t run by a bunch of criminals too.

Laura adds:

See more here (not an endorsement of TIA):

5. Putin’s sympathies are overtly pro-communist. His KGB background, his reverence for Soviet/Russian spies past and present, and his well-known statement about the collapse of the USSR being the worst geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century all confirm the virulence of these sympathies. Most recently, Putin has given a national award to the leader of the Russian Communist Party, Gennady Zyuganov, which included a statuette of a Bolshevik war hero.

Putin the “Christian Warrior” is also instrumental in arming the Islamic Republic of Iran with the atomic bomb. Putin’s Russia also stands behind the savage and Stalinist regime in North Korea.

6. At home, Putin is facing a dilemma as great as that of Stalin’s during the early days of WWII. Russians are becoming extinct, because the Russian population is in serious decline. Abortion is still a popular form of birth control, and alcoholism is taking a serious toll among the male Russian population. Population decline and alcoholism are not signs of a religious society.

Following Stalin’s example during WWII and Gransci’s theoretical concepts, Putin is using religion in an attempt to prevent Russia from imploding. Putin and his circle are still aiming for a re-formed Russian Communist State, and religion is supposed to give him the time to bring the new Soviet State into fruition.

Putin is using his time well, allying Russia with the Peoples Republic of China, pressuring Europe, expanding militarily into the Arctic, acquiring bases in Latin America, and encouraging a reverie for the old Soviet Union.

7. I do not doubt that the Russian people are capable of great religious feeling, but the true and profound expression of this devotion to the Divine will come only with the long-awaited conversion at the hands of the Blessed Mother. Among the signs of such a conversion will be not only be the banishment of abortion, fornication, divorce and other such activities, but also the acceptance of the teachings of the Catholic Church and the recognition of the Holy Father as the Vicar of Christ on earth.


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