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One Psyop at a Time « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

One Psyop at a Time

March 15, 2022


You’ve probably seen this meme like 20 times already but it perfectly encapsulates something I noticed a long time ago: Major globalist psyops seem to come one at a time, and they get turned on and off like a light switch. Suddenly a psyop will appear out of nowhere, flood every single media channel simultaneously and cause total chaos among the masses, then it will disappear just as suddenly as it appeared, and the next psyop will start almost immediately.

Sometimes they recycle psyops or incorporate elements of one into another, but they always have one major psyop that they concentrate on with others taking a back seat, e.g. climate BS being a minor aspect of COVID BS.

I think they do this because normies can’t concentrate on too many things at once and they’ll just check out if they get overwhelmed. So, globalists give each psyop enough time and space to sink in and do the required damage. That’s my theory, anyway.

To call the Russia/Ukraine conflict a “psyop” is not to deny the suffering of its undeniable victims, to whom I extend my sincere compassion.



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