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Sean Penn’s Hero « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sean Penn’s Hero

March 10, 2022

ACTOR Sean Penn the other day, in an interview with CIA-affiliated Anderson Cooper, tearfully praised another actor, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, as a great hero. Translation: Zelensky is being deliberately valorized by the globalists for their own strategic reasons and a Hollywood actor/con artist has been brought in to help.

“I don’t know if he knew that he was born for this, but it was clear I was in the presence of something. … This is such an extraordinary moment and I was endlessly impressed and moved by him.”

This is emotional manipulation by highly-skilled psychopaths — brainwashing even Orwell wasn’t clever enough to imagine.

Penn also said that every day he is “inspired” by his “extraordinary ex-wife.” Yes, indeed, no one could be more inspiring than the used-up, pornographic, black-robed, Lucifer-worshipping senior citizen, Madonna. Honestly, I just can’t help but see the producers of this stuff keeling over with laughter afterward.

I don’t know everything that’s going on, but I am absolutely sure the Russia/Ukraine conflict is a narrative heaped to the sky with lies and is being used to further destabilize this country with the sort of subversion that former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov (see below) warned of years ago.

Traumatized and beaten up by the COVID scam, willingly hostage to screens and professional con artists, apocalyptically witless Americans face a new round of political theater. No one is more easily preyed upon than the person who doesn’t really believe in evil and lacks even a mental framework for believing in it.


— Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

You keep outdoing yourself. Best Article Yet.  Honest.

When I heard, a couple of wks ago, that Sean was seen “running” toward the border to Poland, I knew something very stupid was coming down the pike.  And here we are!  And he’s not finished with us yet.  He could not do what he’s doing without a brain-damaged populace enthusiastically receiving his craziness.

Laura writes:

Well, thanks!

Terry Morris writes:

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck,” the old saying has it, “it probably IS a duck.” Sean Penn looks, and quacks, and waddles like precisely the kind of duck he is. This is of course natural; it’s in his DNA; he couldn’t change it if he would. The acorn, as another adage has it, doesn’t fall far.

Laura writes:

It is most certainly a duck!

I don’t think it’s in his DNA, but it most definitely is in his inherited (psychologically speaking) superiority complex.



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