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“Sustainable” World Goverment « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Sustainable” World Goverment

March 22, 2022

SOVIET defector Igor Shepherd writes:

 … Infiltrated cronies who have been secretly pushing toward a one world government for many decades have waited patiently for their cue to bolt onto the world stage and show arm muscle. The phony pandemic was act one with which the global elites were able to openly introduce their global goals. Act two, the Russian-Ukrainian drama, will soon reveal the true strength behind those bulging biceps.

You may ask, how advanced is globalization? Dear readers, it is done! Out of 195 countries in the world, 193 of them are members of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and participators under Agenda 2030. This is the final great reset of all nations under one global authority, and all previous governments of the world will be dismantled and no longer exist by the year 2030. Do I have your attention?

Sustainable development, if it was listed in an honest dictionary, would be defined as “infiltrated communism.” It was introduced by communist sympathizers as a means to “save the environment,” but that was just a front, along with climate change, to fast-track the global agenda and persuade the nations to hop on board. Behind SDGs are the tools with which to effectively infiltrate new communism into the heart of every nation. Under this new reign of dictatorship, old communism will pale in comparison. [cont.]


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