The Judicial Mind
March 26, 2022
INTERVIEWER: Your honor, can you provide a definition of the word “woman”?
Judge No, I can’t. I am not a biologist.
Int.: Can you provide a definition of the word “cat?”
Judge: No, I cannot. I am not a zoologist.
Int: Can you provide a definition of the words …. “cotton candy?”
Judge (visible irritation): No, I cannot. I am not a food scientist.
Int: “Tulip?”
Judge: I am not a botanist.
Int. “Transphobia?”
Judge: Not a psychologist.
Int: “Forced medical experiment?”
Judge: I am not a director of the CDC.
Int: Your honor, can you provide a definition of the words …. “Justice of the Supreme Court?”
Judge: Yes, of course.
A Supreme Court judge is an ideologue, ideally a black woman ideologue, who carefully examines disputes and decides for whomever will most quickly and radically transform America from its white supremacist past.
Int. Can you provide a definition of “white supremacist?”
Judge: A white supremacist is a white person who does not believe all races are the same. That’s all.
Int.: Thank you.
(An imaginary conversation between fictitious persons.)