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The Wisdom of Taylor Caldwell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Wisdom of Taylor Caldwell

March 21, 2022

                              Taylor Caldwell

ALAN writes:

The novelist Taylor Caldwell once wrote:

My fellow conservatives are afraid that Big Brother is loose in the land now.  This is bad enough.  But Big Mama…is infinitely worse, infinitely more dangerous to the national character, infinitely more demoralizing…..

 Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women……

The decay and the ruin of a nation has always lain in the hands of its women. So does its life and strength, its reverence for beauty, its mercy and kindness. And, above all, its men……

            — Anglo-American novelist Taylor Caldwell, On Growing Up Tough, Aeonian Press, 1976, pp. 98, 116-17, 121, 136-37.

Taylor wrote these words nearly half a century ago, when leftists were busy staking out large portions of American culture in the 1960s.  Imagine what she would say if she were here today and could see:

That American men can now choose to be swamped in a soft pink jello or a lavender jello.  Either way, it spares them the responsibility of upholding traditional patriarchal and masculine authority.

That Americans in these days are infantile, not adult; that men are feminized and women wear the pants.  Indeed, that most American women now insist on wearing the pants.

That American men now preen about in public places with their trendy gadgets and widgets and phones and video screens to show everyone how Up-to-the-Minute Cool they are.

That more American children than ever are now encamped in prolonged childhood in those college and university playpens.

That American men are now comfortable with a welfare-state Nanny Government larger and more powerful than anything in American history.

That most American men do not express the least objection to feminized law enforcement agencies, feminized armed forces, a feminized workplace, and a feminized government that oozes “care” and “compassion”.

And that most Americans today not only do not oppose Big Mama Do-Gooder Government but greet her with open arms.



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