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Zelensky Is an Actor « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Zelensky Is an Actor

March 9, 2022

IN CASE, you didn’t know: Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine, is an actor.

Similar to Donald Trump, he’s not a real statesman, but an accomplished entertainer playing a role.

His sleazy dance videos illustrate just how much the world is being played. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken over the Covid narrative in the news. Both sides of the war are certainly controlled by the same people.

— Comments —

Zeno writes:

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has taken over the Covid narrative in the news.

It seems to be a continuation of the same plot, or its second phase. Just as “Covid” was used as an excuse to promote a regime of authoritarian controls, discriminatory passes and forced injections with untested substances, I fear this war — whatever its causes, just or not, or even its reality — is being used by our global masters to unleash economic chaos on everyone.

The masks, restrictions and even vaccines did nothing to “stop the pandemic”, and in fact made things worse (the only thing that “stopped the pandemic” was a more urgent news story that needed to be in the main pages instead). Now, we have “sanctions” and other measures that have no perceived effect on the war itself, but that will cause poverty and trouble for millions.

A very worrying development that we see now are those absurd sanctions and confiscation of assets based on nationality, identity and, in some cases, even for not publicly supporting certain political positions. In Canada, people who donated even little amounts to a completely legal protest had their bank accounts frozen. “Unvaccinated” people had their freedom of movement restricted and even denied medical care. Now, the same is happening to “Russians”, or “pro-Russians”.  Who will be affected tomorrow? How can we trust a system that can take our money, our property or our freedom away, for any reason that it suddenly decides?

It also seems that we are moving towards a “permanent state of emergency”. In Italy, currently presided by a Davos man, the “Covid state of emergency” was supposed to end on March 31st, but guess what, it was immediately followed by a new “Ukraine war state of emergency” that will last until the end of the year. I wish I was joking, but I am not. If there is a joke, it’s theirs, on us.


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