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“White” Means “European” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“White” Means “European”

April 1, 2022

COMMENTS from Thuletide:

There’s a lot of contention over nationalists around the world identifying with the term ‘White’ these days. It seems that many people foolishly believe that they can escape the worldwide anti-White persecution simply by identifying with their ethnic group and claiming that they are, in fact, “not White, but German” or Italian, or Irish, and so on. This short article is my off-the-cuff response to this nonsense.

“White” as a synonym for “racially European” has been used for hundreds of years by people from all over Europe, in both a biological and political context. I’ve even found some evidence of it being used as such during the late Middle Ages, and European pigmentation was described as “white” by various peoples during Classical Antiquity. It makes no sense for any White person to claim that they are “not White but European,” since the terms are synonymous. I understand why continental Europeans may prefer to use ‘European’ over ‘White,’ since the latter is now strongly associated with the Anglosphere, particularly the United States. However, this was historically not the case. The term was popular all over Europe.

‘White’ as an ethnic identity (rather than racial) has arisen in various European colonial states. In these states, ‘White’ ethnic identities carry the cultural characteristics of their founding stocks. For example, in America and Australia, ‘White’ culture is Anglo-Saxon in origin and nature. Other White ethnic groups — predominantly of Northwest European origin — have been assimilated into the White American or White Australian ethnic identities, but these identities are still culturally Anglo.

Also see “Race and Ethnicity in Greco-Roman Society.”


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