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A Mother’s Prayer for Her Young Children « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Mother’s Prayer for Her Young Children

June 29, 2022

“OH GOD, to how many and what great dangers are my children exposed, and how insufficient is the protection that I can afford them. Yes, O Lord, I watch in vain over them if Thou does not watch with me. But when they abide under Thy protection how sure may I not be. I recommend then my children to Thy powerful and loving care. Keep graciously far from them all that may be hurtful and dangerous to their life; let them enjoy the blessing of health; but, above all, protect them in the dangers of their souls. Drive away from them with Thy powerful hand whatever may have an injurious influence upon their yet tender and youthful hearts and become for them an occasion of wickedness and sin. Send Thy holy angels, that they may ‘bear them up in their hands, lest they should dash their feet against a stone.’ Almighty Father, lead my children through the dangers and storms of this life so they may arrive one day at the haven of salvation. Amen.”

— From “The Christian Mother,” by the Rev. W. Cramer (Benziger Bros, 1880)


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