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The Humility of Peter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Humility of Peter

June 29, 2022

Crucifixion of St. Peter, Caravaggio; 1660

“THE Apostle, having reached the spot and come up to the instrument of death, implored of his executioners to set him thereon, not in the usual way, but head downwards, in order, said he, that the servant be not seen in the same position once taken by the Master. His request was granted; and Christian tradition, in all ages, renders testimony to this fact which adds further evidence to the deep humility of so great an Apostle. Peter, with outstretched arms, prayed for the city, prayed for the whole world, the while his blood flowed down upon that Roman soil the conquest of which he had just achieved. At this moment Rome became forever the new Jerusalem. When the apostle had gone through the whole round of his sufferings, he expired; but he was to live again in each one of his Successors, unto the end of time.”

— Dom Prosper Gueranger, “Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul,The Liturgical Year


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