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How to Spot a Staged Shooting Event « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How to Spot a Staged Shooting Event

July 12, 2022

THIS SUMMER’S just getting started, but it’s going to take a whole lot of talent to match the outstanding performance of Zoe Pawelczak, who was reportedly present at an alleged mass shooting in the suburban Chicago city of Highland Park on July Fourth and described her experience on national news. She doesn’t appear in the least traumatized in this interview. In fact, she’s smiling, no doubt tickled to be on a national stage.

Yet gun shot wounds are extremely disturbing. An ordinary person would be so affected he would not be capable of coherent statements. As a newspaper reporter years ago, I saw photos of people who had been shot, stabbed and hit by cars and I saw people moments after they had been fatally injured. Believe me, it was very hard and it was not possible to smile when discussing these scenes. These things are not like they are in the movies.

But leave this interesting interview aside. The fact is, multiple gun-shot deaths happen very often on weekends in Chicago. They do not receive the round-the-clock coverage that this alleged event received.

Was it political theater? How can you tell whether a shooting is state-sponsored psychological terrorism for political objectives?

The list below is from a post I wrote last year (with a few edits). With this list, you can easily identify whether a shooting is naturally occurring or staged. Seriously, this isn’t rocket science though it does take a bit of intuition. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 made it legal for the U.S. government to conduct state-sponsored propaganda events domestically and abroad. These events, ostensibly to protect Americans, are carried out with less benign objectives, such as unconstitutional gun control, increased surveillance, distraction of the public, division and glorification of governmental authority. [Russ Winter has added the creation of a new national police force to the list.] Private contractors (such as manufacturers of body scanners) potentially reap big rewards too. Participants are obviously well compensated (beyond their wildest dreams) and face serious harm if they disclose details. Here’s an account of one person’s awakening to a staged mass shooting.

I strongly believe no one is ever killed in these events, but that is not something I can prove. These events are becoming ever bolder, with national TV reporters and alleged witnesses making immediate and explicit political statements about the need for new gun laws. The signs of fakery:

** Initial release of blurry, jerky, confusing video imagery suggestive of chaos at the scene

** Immediate, pervasive, non-stop media coverage

** No clear imagery of the attack as it occurred or convincing, bloody carnage despite the presence of dozens or hundreds of cell phones at scene

** Active shooter drills conducted in vicinity same day or not long before

** Racial sub-narrative, usually “white supremacy,” but may be angry nonwhite perp

** Lack of normal emergency response; victims sometimes not taken (or reported to be taken) to the hospital

** Police or ambulance staff seen standing around or milling about; flashing police and ambulance lights convey chaos and emergency scenario

** Immediate identification and arrest of alleged perpetrator or immediate death of perpetrator

** Implausible marksmanship by a perpetrator who could never have received military-level training

** Manifesto by perpetrator

** Victims killed immediately despite the advanced state of medical treatment for gunshot wounds

** Lack of convincing blood or wounds on victims; bright, ketchup-colored blood (as opposed to real, brownish red blood)

** Photos of victims’ shoes at scene (a Freemasonic symbol)

** Empty chairs, clothes or other personal items suggest chaos

** Immediate identification of victims

** Wounded victims are able to communicate easily soon after attack despite grave injuries

** Immediate roll out of maudlin, tear-jerking details about victims, with occasional focus on children

** Candle-light vigils; teddy bears and heart placards

** Implausible and contradictory details b alleged witnesses obfuscated with fake tears and “we’re-all-in-this-together” sentimentality. “Feel; don’t think” is the message

** Scant information about victims in past years available on Internet

** The dead do not appear in Social Security Death Index

** Relatives of victims show no signs of normal shock and focus on feelings

** Relatives of victims release coherent, clearly scripted statements, always highlighting how caring the deceased were

** Relatives of perpetrator quickly found and identified

** Initial video footage disappears

** Internet videos documenting staging are heavily censored and eventually disappear

** Victims valorized for weeks on end to the point of maximum emotional saturation of the public

** Masonic numbers, especially 3, 9, 6, 11; other Masonic symbols

** Unquestioning adherence to script by journalists

Ignore the news, though it’s hard not to be affected by mass hysteria. If you have difficulty coping with the possibility of deception — and it is difficult and upsetting to absorb — if you would rather live in comfortable ignorance, at least try to avoid being drawn into major stories.

Those who can cope need to avoid the traps of feeling guilty of insensitivity for questioning events, of being mesmerized by deception, of spending excessive time on the Internet and of rushing to conclusions. Although deaths are extremely unlikely they may eventually occur in staged events to throw off the skeptical.

There is always heavy involvement of Jewish individuals and organizations in these events; the mainstream media itself is under Jewish control. For close to 2,000 years, Jews have faced public uprisings by ordinary people angered by the exploitation, arrogance and racial supremacism based in and specifically commanded by the Jewish holy book, the Talmud, which calls for a level of tribalism, deception, exploitation of outsiders and fanatical nationalism unknown to any other group. To most Jews, if you point out any of the  grave injustices that result from Jewish racism and manipulation, you are guilty of “hate” or mental illness. Though these uprisings are greatly and fantastically exaggerated, they have occurred. (Hervé Rysssen’s book The History of Anti-Semitism is an excellent historical overview of these uprisings. See also Treasures of the Talmud, written by Jewish author, Paul Isaac Hershorn.) That’s why advocacy of gun control among Jews. But it would be very wrong to lay the problem solely at their door.

Here are some propaganda set pieces on Highland Park:


— Comments —

Zeno writes:

I don’t know if all the shootings are fake, but arguably even if the shootings were real, a lot of the “victims” could still be fake, especially if they give interviews to the media. After all, who can prove if these people were really there at the shooting, or just actors hired later?

Case in point is this lady who was supposedly shot in the face at Highland Park (but it looks like fake blood — I’ve seen blood in amateur short movies that looked more realistic). Her first reaction was to take a selfie and pen an article about gun control… Yeah, sure, ok.

Then of course you have the fact that the shooters are so bizarre that they themselves defy belief. The latest one (4th of July) appears in pictures dressed as a woman, as an astronaut (?) and even with an FBI cap. It sounds almost as if the people who organize such fakes are making fun of people who still believe the shootings are real.This appears to be Miles Mathis’ take, too.

Laura writes:

Yes, they are making fun of people. And yes, there is no way that woman’s face wound is real. She doesn’t even bother to simulate an expression of pain. And no one lets blood drip down the face without instinctively wiping it. That photo is laughable. Real blood is not that color.

These are cartoons for adults.

By the way, Miles Mathis is himself probably a faker though I won’t get into that now.






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