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Home as Sanctuary « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Home as Sanctuary

August 30, 2022

“AS St. Peter says, a good woman’s adornment consists not in anything external, but in her quiet spirit. Her true sphere of action is her home; and every woman able to work for the welfare of her household is bound to do so; this is her chief business in life, especially if she be married. In her spare time she may care for the sick and poor, and still be occupied in work befitting her and precious in the sight of God, provided that it does not cause her to neglect her own home, and that she displays charity and humility in all that she does. Work for others is peculiarly suited to women who have not a household of their own demanding their attention. A Christian home is a sanctuary which the wife should do her best to adorn; and her efforts may render it the happiest place on earth. Its true value is seen most plainly in times of misfortune. As long as all is well with a man, he may scarcely appreciate his wife and home, but let some disaster overwhelm him and the world leave him in the lurch, his wife does not forsake him, but loves him and stands up for him, so that he finds peace at home, in spite of the storms outside. Many a man has learned in times of sorrow to thank God for blessings hitherto not valued at their true worth, perceiving that the world can offer him nothing comparable with the joy of possessing a home where a Christian wife reigns supreme.

“Christianity has raised woman from a degraded position, but it has not imposed upon her the duty of attracting attention by her activity. Quite apart from Christianity, the world has attempted to improve the status of woman, but in so doing it has overlooked humility, and has taken her away from the work assigned to her by God, and given her aims and occupations identical with those of man. It is characteristic of the spirit of the age that thus no attention is paid to the plain indications of God’s design. We hear much of the emancipation of women, and perhaps those who demand it have some justification for their claims. Woman is certainly entitled to receive adequate education, and to be permitted to enter careers for which her physical and intellectual powers may fit her. But one who “emancipates” herself from all laws and comes forward as man’s rival in every department of public life is unworthy of the sacred position and duties of womanhood.”

From “Christian and Pagan Views of Marriage

— Comments —

Genie writes:

Thank you SO.MUCH for this post. I recently retired, two years earlier than planned (so I could remain unvaccinated). The honeymoon phase wore off after a little over three months and I had quite the meltdown last night. Vaccines, people still acting crazy scared, the world seeming ever smaller, meaner and frightening in ways I never imagined. Ugh. After a bit of a crying jab and talking with my husband about why the future looks so bleak all of a sudden, I took some aspirin -crying headache, double ugh – I slept pretty well. I read your column with my first cup.of tea. It calmed me immeasurably. Thank you. I may not be able to fight against this angry, hostile woke craziness or Klaus Schwab’s smug plans, but I can make a safe, happy zone within these walls where the two of us can be together and shut the world out when it gets too much.

Bless you. I was even starting to doubt if God was still with us. He always sends me some encouragement. This time, you’re it!

Dianne writes:

This was so beautiful. Truth.

I’ve always felt like this, deep down. Wish I’d had such influence when a younger.. Somehow I always felt pushed to be “more”, even if only by attending excessive (protestant) church meetings at times.

Everything seems out to rob women of their most basic instincts and their most humble and true source of happiness: home. Children.

Thanks for such a variety of articles, Laura.


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