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Eliza Fletcher and the Toll of Black Brutality « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Eliza Fletcher and the Toll of Black Brutality

September 7, 2022

THE BODY of 34-year-old, Memphis kindergarten teacher Eliza Fletcher was found in the tall grass near a vacant building not far from her home on Monday afternoon. Police have charged 38-year-old, convicted kidnapper Cleotha Abston with murder and kidnapping. The teacher, a mother of two small children, disappeared during an early morning jog last Friday. The cause of her death has not been released but according to police Abston overwhelmed her as she ran and dragged her into his vehicle.

This is not the first time Abston violently abducted someone.

“Cleotha Abston was sentenced to 24 years in prison in 2001 in the abduction of Kemper Durand, a well-known Memphis lawyer, as well as a charge of aggravated robbery, court records show. The formal charge in the abduction case was “especially aggravated kidnapping.” He was released in November 2020.”

Cleotha Abston

In that incident, “Durand was walking to his car around 2 a.m. on May 25, 2000, after attending a par ty on Beale Street when a lone gunman walked up behind him, took his wallet, and forced him into the trunk. The abductor, Cleotha Abston, drove around and picked up friends then, after about two hours, escorted Durand into a Mapco station to withdraw money from an ATM. A uniformed Memphis Housing Authority officer entered, Durand yelled that he had been kidnapped, and the kidnappers ran away.” (Source)

Abston was apparently a ticking time bomb, according to an article linked below by The Daily Mail:

A neighbour described Abston as a ‘pervert,’ who once snuck up behind her and propositioned her for sex.

He did the same to other women in the complex, and at times would sit in his black SUV gawking at women walking by or sitting on stoops.

Another neighbor, Latoya, 35, said the suspect also propositioned her and her 20-year-old niece earlier this year.

Latoya told DailyMail.com: ‘He kept waving me over to him and was like. ‘I’ve got $100.

‘He tried to catch my niece too, tried to get her to come into the apartment with him.

‘As far as I know, nobody here have sex with him,’ she said. ‘He creepy, he really creepy.’

In addition, Abston was believed to have stolen a woman’s wallet the day before Fletcher’s abduction. He reportedly “also appeared in juvenile court records in 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 for charges including theft, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon, and rape.”

Someone who is an imminent threat to everyone around him is rarely dealt with before the fact in American black neighborhoods.

Nathaniel Isaac, an uncle of Abston, told The Daily Mail:

“My whole f****** family’s wacky. They always have been. They’re not beloved to me because they’re nuts. It’s the truth. Go check the police records for the Abstons. You’ll find they’re all perpetrators of something. My wife’s son stayed locked up. Mario is arrested now for drugs and carrying a gun. And Cleo, I’m 100 percent sure he had something to do with her abduction. Can I prove it? No.”

Judging from the above video, from news accounts and photos, Fletcher was a sweet and well-liked woman, a teacher at St. Mary’s Episcopal School. She went jogging every morning at 4 a.m. in skimpy shorts and tank tops, seemingly oblivious to any danger. She was just one of many whites who are literally suicidal in their denial of black anger, black violence, black impulsivity and black hatred and envy of whites.

About 5,000 whites are killed every year by blacks, many of them with extreme brutality, and many more are beaten, robbed or kidnapped; the number of black victims of white criminals is proportionately a small fraction of this. Thousands of Abstons walk the streets of our cities every day, a mortal threat to both blacks and whites.

“There were 806,316 homicides in the US between 1965 and 2004, and 588,611 of them were committed by blacks, of which 179,808 were blacks who murdered Whites…. In just four decades, American blacks killed almost as many Whites as were killed in WW II, four times as many Whites as were killed in Vietnam, and 60 times as many Whites as were killed in 911 or Iraq.” Source

What is the solution to black crime, which has increased dramatically — and been explicitly incited by the media — since the valorization of the black thug, George Floyd, and as the anti-white rhetoric grows more intense by the day? What is the solution?

What justice can be served to the hundreds of thousands of lives, both black and white, lost to black murderers, rapists, thieves and vandals in recent decades?

Firstly, our society is experiencing a spiritual crisis and the real solution in the end can only be spiritual.

We also know what any political solution should not mean anger or resentment of blacks, which would be wrong in and of itself and serve no purpose, especially given the many thousands of blacks annually victimized by their own thugs.

The solution is also not simply vigorous prosecution of these crimes, however important that is, because this prosecution has not been successful in seriously reducing black crime. The more equality, it seems, the more deaths and destruction.

The solution is to let go.

Ultimately, it is for blacks themselves to solve the problem of black violence. Blacks deserve and need self-determination. Whites deserve and need safe communities. (Needless to say, no matter how safe a community, women should not run alone at 4:30 a.m. and should never run in scanty clothing.) Blacks cannot have that self-determination and whites cannot have that safety while large numbers of blacks live in a predominantly white country, except under some kind of uncompromising system of separation and the complete censorship of anti-white propaganda. Blacks would fare better in their own countries and cultivate their own racial pride.

We can only imagine the intense terror that must have accompanied the final moments of Eliza Fletcher. That someone so naive and gentle should face someone so deranged and violent is almost too much for the mind to encompass. She lost her life, her children lost their mother, to “diversity,” just one plank in the revolutionary program for overturning Christian civilization. (Paradoxically, it is considered unChristian to point out the disparities in violent crime, as if truth could be unChristian, as if God were a radical egalitarian.) “Diversity” is code for hatred of whites, for blacks used as pawns, deliberately incited by the most powerful  — and it is hatred of God’s divine plan for the world. Let us wish our black fellow Americans, so many of them terrorized themselves and so many degraded by Communist-style racial agitation, only peace — and hope for a better world for all of us.

— Comments —

Barbara from NJ writes:

This is certainly a thought-provoking article. I remember as a child in the 60’s when the first black family moved into the neighborhood. They had a daughter my age, and we were playmates. Since my parents welcomed the family, I did as well. There were no problems, as I recall. In light of your article, that most likely was because the family had a husband and wife, and the father was a hard-working man trying to provide the best life for his children. We moved away a couple of years later, and I don’t know what the area is like now.

My point, and I think yours, is that if isolated blacks move into white neighborhoods, it can work if the black family has the values and mores of the white majority.

I’d be interested in your thoughts on a race topic that I encountered when donating blood, of all places. There was a big push to increase the number of black blood donors to provide a supply for people with sickle cell anemia. The obvious point was that blood composition is different among the races.

“One in two Type O African American blood donors are a match for sickle patients, while only 1 in 40 Type O of all other ethnicities are a match.” (Source)

While whites and blacks are equal in God’s eyes, equally redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, we are not the same, as the culture insists. That whole blood theme deserves some thought, too.

Laura writes:

Thanks for writing.

The races are different, physically, mentally and even spiritually to some extent, so even when they have the same “values and mores,” people gravitate toward their own and understand those of the same race better.

The Bible is not a book of racial egalitarianism or radical individualism. Whole peoples rise and fall because they are favored or disfavored by God. The sin or faithfulness of a single person can have serious, longstanding consequences for an entire tribe or kingdom. Think of Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Caiaphas, etc.

It was a common view among Catholic priests in the 19th century, when many were missionaries in Africa, that blacks collectively were being punished by God for the sins of their ancestors. Take it or leave it. They believed blacks were the literal descendants of Ham, who was guilty of the sin of irreverence toward his father, Noah, and were cursed by him. The punishment was spiritual blindness, mental dullness, impulsivity and the inability to create functioning civilizations. These undeniable characteristics or tendencies of Africans– whatever the cause —  were, and are, exploited by the cunning and powerful. The blacks of South Africa, for instance, were dramatically and incalculably better off under the quasi-Christian rule of apartheid than they are under Communist “black” rule today. Same goes for Zimbabwe and other African countries. (Communism, remember, is a secular religion that uses the language of equality but elevates and enriches the few at the expense of the many and it really isn’t blacks who are in charge in South Africa.)

I have one catechism with an imprimatur in my possession that mentions and gives credence to the idea of the Curse of Ham.

Only about eight percent of black Americans consider themselves Catholic and very few blacks are fighting the Vatican II revolution. (Many American blacks are sincerely trying to love and obey God and the moral law within Protestantism. Unfortunately, there too we see the tremendous role of demagogues, the religious equivalent of the tinpot dictators of Africa, and we see so much unhinged emotionalism that one wonders how it teaches any self-restraint. There is a definite absence of the graces that flow from the true faith.) There are proportionately more blacks striving to be Catholic, albeit in the Vatican II religion, in Africa, in relatively homogenous societies. Think about that. All in all, by the way, it seems to me that you will find proportionately more God-fearing and decent blacks in Africa than in America. Some Africans are shocked by the behavior of American blacks when they move here. You will also find happier and more stable blacks in the South than in the North of this country (it seems to me), where the religion of equality is so unhinged and materialistic.

Where is this idea that we are all the same in the eyes of God? This is not a Catholic belief, as we believe even on an individual level God dispenses graces unequally. Catholic universalism is not to be confused with modern, revolutionary notions of universal sameness or pernicious ideas of “equality.” The missionary priests of the 19th century had an explanation for these spiritual differences and they didn’t stop what they were doing because they considered missionary efforts hopeless. By the way, cannibalism still existed in Africa at that time (so did slavery) and, as explorers and travelers in Africa attested, blacks ate their fellow blacks in many cases because they simply enjoyed the taste and considered human flesh a delicacy. Farmers markets sold human limbs. It is no wonder that priests struggled to make sense of what they witnessed.






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