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“Searching for Hope Amid Western Decay” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Searching for Hope Amid Western Decay”

September 14, 2022

IN THISĀ video, the British commentator “Way of the World” comes to a liberating realization. I’m not very familiar with his work and like many dissident videos, there are some amateur moments here. But his description of his personal discovery is moving.

“Way of the World” realizes there are no political solutions to the moral chaos we see or to the conquest of once Christian nations. “Our zombie civilization has fallen because men have lost sight of their divine purpose … As the West abandoned God, God abandoned the West.”

The answer, he says, is for the people of the West to return to God, especially in their hearts and minds. “God is not a distraction from the issues we face, but the key to understanding and dealing with them.”

Our purpose in this world is simple in the end. It’s not to elevate ourselves, nothing that we are, but to bring glory to God.


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