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The Having-It-All Lie « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Having-It-All Lie

September 2, 2022

FROM a comment by Fitzgerald posted here in 2012:

There is a quiet groaning across society from women who feel they must work to be valuable. The having-it-all lie in particular has them trapped. Women are highly susceptible to peer pressure and the feminist overlords have been able to perpetuate a web of lies that has trapped a large majority of women into wage slavery and abandonment of their families, with a resulting quiet desperation and longing for a loss most can’t quite place entirely. It is the loss of the freedom to focus on their families, churches and communities as in days of old. The “freedom” to be a wage slave is not freedom. Dare we also bring up the sexual revolution? Both sexes have adopted lies en masse, believing that sexual freedom and the resulting “necessity” for contraception and abortion equals political and individual freedom. It is of course enslaving psychologically, and often physically damaging. Furthermore, a large majority of males and females now consider it their duty to push their daughters into sports, degrees, career trajectories at all costs without a second thought.

One of the grandest lies of all that the feminist movement has pushed forward is that there are large number of highly fulfilling jobs. Most men see through this quickly. Very few jobs are highly rewarding, creative endeavors, and even those largely comprise a form of intellectual share cropping work on the company land, so to speak. True, modern information businesses have generated a few more interesting jobs, but most of those in all fields come with crushing responsibilities and demands for near complete focus and commitment, with decades of continuous education and self-driven evolution. Few women are willing to make the ongoing, demanding commitments save for pursuit of the degree initially, only to then seek for some kind of balance once they have checked the “career” box off their checklist. Women workers are typically planning for their next break or vacation while most men are driven to excel or at least seek success and respect for fulfillment. I believe the recent posting on the law profession and the cultivation of female underlings as favored pseudofamilial daughters very aptly describes this now entrenched phenomenon.

Inexorably and slowly, the fat shining lies are dawning upon a growing minority of women, but they feel trapped and are often so separated from the traditions and practices of their forebears a lengthy rediscovery process will be necessary. Until women are able to break free from their current perverse enculturation, dare I say brainwashing, set aside the supremacist and anti-male notions, in particular the fatuous lies of male oppression, and are willing to assume traditional role models the angst will grow. Further economic crisis will ensue as more and more productive wealth is captured and redirected to governmental aid programs, socialized medicine, scholarships and government give outs to the university industry (talk about crony capitalism) and other forms of wealth redistribution all in a failing pursuit for gender equity to “right” the supposed wrongs and injustices foisted upon the female sex.

A lengthy treatise on the spiritually rebellious nature of feminism with a particular focus on how female anger at the Creator God is being projected on men via the feminist and other anti-male movements should ensue, but I must return to my obligations. As Tim Allen says, “Men have two choices in this world: Go to work or go to jail.” I continue to choose the former. Women, however, have many choices, but they are finding few are truly satisfying. I urge them to stand up for their true inheritance as wives and mothers and to intentionally ape Timothy Leary. Drop out, but in this case drop out of the rat race and wage slave meat grinder.


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