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Christ is King « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Christ is King

October 30, 2022

CHRIST’S kingship over society is the antithesis of the New World Order.

You’ll never hear that from Alex Jones or David Icke. Christ and the Divine Society He created are the only alternative to the worldwide “deep state.”

He is not just king over hearts and minds, but rightful king over each and every human nation.

Religious neutrality is an impossibility.  No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be subject to the one and despise the other. That is God’s word and therefore an article of faith… There are no neutral governments, no neutral schools, no neutral press, no neutral clubs, no neutral families … This applies to the life of nations. Periods of neutrality are periods of transition, of groping indecision. They are times of twilight between day and night. After the time of neutrality comes the time of service of one master, in which either Christ or Satan will be king. After the liberal twilight comes either the Russian night of persecution or the new Sun-Day of the Kingdom of Christ.

— Fr. Robert Mader, Cross and Crown

See further reflections on Christ the King Sunday posted here.

His power shall be an everlasting power, which shall not be taken away; and His kingdom a kingdom that shall not decay. (Daniel 7:14)

And here are words on the subject from The Liturgical Year (1841-1875) by Dom Prosper Guéranger. They read as if they were written yesterday.

“Today we sadly behold ‘a world undone,’ largely paganized in principles and outlook, and sometimes even glorying in the name “pagan.” At the best, governments mostly ignore God; and at the worst, openly fight against Him. Even the statesmen’s well-meant efforts to find a remedy for present ills and, above all, to secure world peace, prove futile because, whereas peace is from Christ, and possible only in the Kingdom of Christ, His Name is never mentioned throughout their deliberations or their documents. Christ is kept out of the State schools and seats of higher education; and the rising generations seem to be taught anything and everything save to know, love and serve Him. Art and literature all too frequently reflect the same tendencies.

“And since the spirit of evil reigns inevitably wherever the spirit of Christ has ceased to reign, in public and in private men are flouting the moral laws of God, and most, if not all, of the worst abominations of ancient paganism are becoming matters of everyday life. Moreover, be it remembered, modern paganism is worse than that of the ancient world, in that the former knows what it does as the latter did not. There is now an intense, positive hatred of Jesus Christ in the militant atheist, which differs in kind from the attitude of the fiercest Roman or Eastern persecutor: “If I had not come and spoken to them… if I had not done among them the works that no other man hath done, they would not have sin: but now they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father” (John 15: 22, 24).

“Ever as practical as She is supernatural, the Church is not content with merely deploring the evil, nor even with counteracting it by sound teaching. She would also make definite reparation to the Divine Majesty thus denied and defied; to Him Whose royalty is slighted and insulted. Something must be done by those who, in a measure, understand and love, in order to atone for those who do not.”



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