The Attack on Columbus Day
October 10, 2022
ROBERT ROBBINS of CatholicEclipsed defends the celebration of Columbus Day.
Please don’t call the holiday celebrated today “Indigenous People’s Day.” Those who have conceived this particular deconstruction of the past have no concern for the true welfare of the “indigenous” and are simply using their descendants as pawns in the project to overturn Christian civilization for good.
As Robbins explains, Christopher Columbus was not a saint, but he was an undeniably great man who fulfilled a noble mission. Here is Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical on Columbus, Quarto Abeunte Saeculo:
He was distinguished by this unique note, that in his work of traversing and retraversing immense tracts of ocean, he looked for a something greater and higher than did these others. We say not that he was unmoved by perfectly honourable aspirations after knowledge, and deserving well of human society; nor did he despise glory, which is a most engrossing ideal to great souls; nor did he altogether scorn a hope of advantages to himself; but to him far before all these human considerations was the consideration of his ancient faith, which questionless dowered him with strength of mind and will, and often strengthened and consoled him in the midst of the greatest difficulties. This view and aim is known to have possessed his mind above all; namely, to open a way for the Gospel over new lands and seas.
— Comments —
Tony S. writes:
So the schizoid United States has decided to officially commemorate two holidays on the same day: Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day.
The irony of the USA having a day to commemorate indigenous people is typical of our descent into chaos. Aren’t we a “country of immigrants” as the Left proclaims? And if indigenous people, that is people who stay in the land of their ancestors, are so wonderful and worthy of celebration then why is the United States so keen on relocating people from foreign lands to our shores. Come to think of it, isn’t the celebration of indigenous people a criticism of all of us who are descendants of those who left their homelands to come to America; if indigenousness is a great achievement, then the typical American is quite the failure.
And most importantly, if diversity is a strength, what’s so great about the indigenous? It actually seems as if the indigenous are hostile to mixing with others who are different. I spent a long time in the American educational system and I was repeatedly told that to want to be among only one’s own kind is evil.